Most of the advices for men when it comes to dating/sex is always same : Improve.

There is no reason for us to always be on our A game, when women bring C or worse. Women should like us the way we are. At least we are not fake like them with all the filters and make-up.

  1. Because it’s a competition. How else do you win but by being better than your opponents?

  2. Because that’s what being a HUMAN is. Constantly pursuing self-improvement to become better people.

    I don’t know a single woman in my life who just sits on her ass not trying to be better as well. If that’s the sort of person you’re around, find other ones.

  3. If you like yourself the way you are, then that is awesome. Don’t worry about improving. But if girls don’t like you the way you are, you can’t force them to like you.

    It’s a balance. We should all try and be a better version of ourselves, but we should do it because we want to.

  4. Women are just as varied as men. There are plenty of good women out there who bring their A game most of the time, just like there are men.

    Bring your A game and find a woman who will do the same. Ignore the general, wide ranging statements that don’t mean shit.

  5. Its fine to be who you are. But if people generally don’t like who you are, and you are unsatisfied with that, you will have to change

  6. Unfortunately improvement means nothing ever, simply being rich is the only thing that matters for women

  7. No one *should* like anyone. You are not owed anyone’s affection.

    Regardless, it’s simply about working towards the outcome you want, regardless of gender. Are you getting dates with people you find interesting? If so, you don’t need to change a thing about yourself. If you’re not, you may need to change what you’re doing to produce your desired outcome. There are both women and men who’ve needed to grow in order to become better potential partners and get the relationships they want (and more importantly, to become the person you want to be for yourself). It’s a journey most people have to go on.

    > At least we are not fake like them with all the filters and make-up.

    Maybe the reason women don’t like you is because you see them as opponents rather than fellow human beings and individuals.

  8. If you don’t want to improve, you’re free to do whatever you want. But please, don’t be entitled to complain for not getting something “higher” than you are

  9. >Why should man always be the one to improve?

    I think anyone who wants to improve should do so regardless of gender

    >Most of the advices for men when it comes to dating/sex is always same : Improve.

    Which is good advice

    >There is no reason for us to always be on our A game,

    There is if you want results

    >when women bring C or worse.

    Raise your standards

    >Women should like us the way we are.

    Why? You aren’t entitled to dictate other’s preferences u/yami_no_chikara

    >At least we are not fake like them with all the filters and make-up.

    Be better then making ignorant misogynistic stereotypes

  10. I understand where you’re coming from and this is probably more of a media framing thing than anything else…

    For men, it’s framed as “improving” and for women it’s framed as “being the best you / being fabulous” or some shit. One implies that you suck and the other implies that you’re already great.

  11. You sound like the guy that came to our fist date wearing a faded t-shirt, cargo shorts, and decrepit running shoes. He said he is who is is, and if people didn’t like it, then too bad. I respected that and dipped.

  12. It’s just reality. You can’t control women, but you can control yourself. If there’s a way you can improve to get what you want that’s all you can do. You can’t force anyone else to meet the standards you set for them in your head

  13. OP you seriously need therapy.

    A players should never entertain C players. Never. If a date acts like a fool then leave. That goes for men OR women. If you’re trash and your date is class you should expect them to ghost you at the first opportunity. If you’re the class and they can’t get it together then yeah, run.

  14. When a man asks for dating advice, he will be given suggestions on ways to improve his appeal. Same for if a woman asks for advice on how to improve her dating game.

    Like, what else would be the damn point of asking “how do I get more/better dates?”?

    Stop playing victim.

  15. Because women are constantly told “you’re perfect the way you are and one day a man will realize that.”

    And then they’ll touch up their makeup because deep down they know it’s not true, but easier to change outward appearance than your personality, eh?

  16. Because its easier and quite amusing to have the puppy chase its tail to keep it preoccupied then to actually engage with it.

  17. You found the tiny pinhole loop hole… the problem with advice is its only good for the person giving it as no 2 people are the same, the mistake appears to be assuming what works for them will work for you. The key is to look behind this advice, WHY did it work for them, could it be they were ok as they were before taking there own advice, its just society wanted abit more control over them?


    If you are ok as you are and everyone is different, why do you need to “improve”? if the current economic climate is now “normal” why do we need to exit it, normal means ok and as it will be…..

  18. Because it’s a buyer’s market, and women control the access to sex, because they can go longer (and thrive) without.

    You want a girlfriend or sex? You must first be better than:

    * The guy she’s hung up on
    * The guy she’s kinda-sorta-it’s-complicated with
    * The 4 or so she’s in some form of communication with on the apps
    * The dozen or so ones she hasn’t matched with yet
    * The guy she holds all other men up against
    * The one that got away.

    And that’s just to throw your hat in and get a chance. You still have to do your dancing clown routine to get and keep her attention.

    I didn’t make the rules. You don’t even have to like the rules. But that’s the game, and it is what it is. You can play it and have *some* chance, or don’t and have *no* chance.

  19. Simple. Man is asking for advice on how to attract women, the best advice is self improvement. Telling them “actually women should improve too” is not helpful advice.

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