What do you think of having blue hair and septum piercings together?

  1. I have ginger hair ( dyed) and septum etc and I feel fab.
    OP as long as you’re happy that’s the main thing 👌

  2. I love the look, not a fan of the whole presumed political leanings ordeal. But then again it could look meh depending on their facial structure and shade of blue- some looks are more attractive with certain features imo. As a purple hair, flowy dress, dad glasses chick I will probably smile and wave- support my fellow oddballs.

  3. I don’t have an opinion about what other people do to their bodies. Tattoos, piercings, hair colors and styles. Not my body, not my business. You do you, boo.

  4. I like blue hair. Facial piercing is dependent on the face. Some people look awesome with them and they really accentuate the face. Some look like the person is trying to look the worst they can and intentionally look that way.

  5. A hot woman who studies art in uni and smoking in every minute she hot. The same with men

  6. On the internet, there are strawmanned presumed political leanings that go with the look. I don’t know about that perception irl. But I don’t judge anyone for the combo based on shitty Internet memes. As for the look itself, nose hoops are cute and bold colors like blue and fun and pretty. I personally wouldn’t dye my hair blue because it’s one of the more difficult colors to maintain and I don’t have the time or money to invest in my hair, but I would consider getting a septum ring.

  7. I’ve had blue hair, but I wouldn’t get my septum pierced. I don’t think it would suit my face.

  8. I don’t care. People are allowed to express themselves. I was with my (37) mom (65) and she made a comment about people’s colored hair and how it “speaks for itself”. I defended hair dyed people and how you can’t judge someone because they like their hair color but I think a lot of her generation and older are pretty judgemental of it. I got my labret pierced when I was 18 and the first time she saw me she said I ruined my face. So that is where she stands on piercings. Anything after basic ears is ruining your body.

  9. I think blue hair looks cool, but so does basically any hair color, but seeing blue hair always make me wish that person is willing to stick with that color because if not their hair pretty much gets ruined, it’s a color that’s really hard to get off.

    Everyone I’ve known with blue hair didn’t stick with it for long and after several bleaches their hair were mould color and heavily damaged, they had to cut it really short.

    I don’t really have much of an opinion about septums, sometimes it looks cute sometimes not.

  10. Blue hair is awesome but expensive to upkeep. Septum piercings do not look good on anyone but idk if anyone has one or combines it with blue hair

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