I have never made friends well since being a young child
I have a few close friends from growing up but generally felt lonely as a child – I never had birthday parties or went out on New Year’s Eve
I’ve never had a boyfriend
I have a sense that there’s something deeply and fundamentally wrong with me – why can’t I connect with people?
I think I might be autistic.
Are there any other reasons I could have no friends?
I’m not an angel but I’m not horrible either I’m just a normal person.
My parents are both dead and this loneliness is really effecting my mental health but I don’t have anyone to support me.

Thanks for any suggestions or explanations

  1. Most people are borne into a group, where there parents have friends etc, they kinda are borne into a mold. I wasn’t, like you. You really have to do a lot of work for a group to accept you. Id just accept the loneliness and talk to as many people as you can, its hard to find quote on quote real people in this day and age lol. Welcome to the matrix!

  2. There are some good self help books out there. Self awareness is a big key. Try and keep up on current events and be agreeable where you can and listen more when you can’t.

  3. are. you in touch with your emotions? do you have hobbies? start with that first. Also i’d suggest recording yourself having an imaginary conversation. maybe you do certain cues that you don’t notice that are stopping people from building bonds with you

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