We have a beautiful 4 yo little girl that is the apple of his eye.

I love that he cherishes putting her to bed every night. When she came home from the hospital it has been his job (that he asked for).

He works and gets home late, so bedtime became his special time with her.

He takes it very seriously too. She turns 5 in February. She’s 3+ ft tall and 53 pounds.

He still snuggles her in his lap on the couch until she falls asleep, and then he carries her to her bed in our room (upstairs is still too scary).

The other night she woke up to pee (first time), and came to get in our bed. He told her no, she was a big girl and needed to get in her bed. She did and fell asleep quickly.

I feel the bed shaking and look over at my husband SOBBING silently, and I said are you okay? He said, “No, she’s getting big and doesn’t need my cuddles anymore to sleep. I wasn’t being mean, but I think it’s time. Do you think it is?” It broke my heart.

He’s such a good Dad, and I’m so blessed to watch the two of them grow together. I’m so glad she gets to have the relationship I wished I had with my dad.

  1. He can help her become more independent, but trust me she can be 8 or 9 and will still need a cuddle from him. Besides, eventually you both will want her in her own room at some point.

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