Me (21F) and my Ex bf (24M) broke up last week when a high school friend texted me a picture of his bumble profile. For context we had been together for 3yrs and living together for 2+. We met when I was in a really bad place had just gotten out of a abusive relationship. He helped me heal and move past it.

The breakup: we weren’t perfect before I saw the picture I felt like he lacked communication with me sometimes and felt like he didn’t appreciate how much I actually did for him(cooking, laundry, etc). But I’ve never gotten along so well with someone we laugh and are truly best friends. I’ve been cheated on before and decided when I saw the photo we were done but it’s more complicated than that. I moved out. But we’ve been communicating still and have hung out twice. He’s been completely honest now he says and that he downloaded the app and deleted it before even swiping because he knew it was wrong and that he’s understanding how he hurt me and how much he’s taken for granted.

My real question is what now I still love him and honestly don’t want to be done but with time apart and time to grow up. Can or should we try again?

  1. I can not TELL you what to do.

    In my experiences, nobody makes a fucking profile unless they’re planning or looking to do some shit they shouldn’t be doing.

    We’ve all had bad fucking relationships and that is never a valid god damn excuse to treat the next person like shit, but, it seems like you moved on, like a god damn adult, so GOOD JOB.

    As for the “didn’t feel appreciated” because of the cooking, laundry, etc……BOO HOO!!!

    Every relationship has ebbs and flows like that. You aren’t shooting rainbows out your pussy 24/7/365 either. So that’s just nonsense.

    The decision is yours. You’ve lived with him for 2 years. When you look in his eyes, do you see sincere regret???

    Good Luck.

  2. So he downloaded the app, but deleted it before he ever swiped. And this high school friend just ***happened*** to have seen his profile in the 20 minutes his profile was up?

    Sure, okay…

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