Life is short and the world is often a depressing, scary place. On the flip side it can be awesome too. So what are your happiest or favorite memories to look back on in adult life so far?

  1. A random one: the city I live in had a Saturday this past March that local people refer to as “that day”. After nearly two months of constantly cloudy and near-to-sub freezing weather, we suddenly had a sunny, 75 degree day and *everyone* went outside in a daze. The clouds rolled back in that night and we were back to hovering around freezing by Sunday morning, but the spike was abrupt, unexpected, and celebrated.

  2. Having a threesome with two women

    My child being born

    That time I found a journalist which led to his safe release

    That time I killed a top 10 terrorist in Iraq and crippled their supply chain

    Playing college sports

    Flying a plane solo

    That I got a Desert Eagle

  3. All my son’s births….. along with watching them get to certain milestones and successes so far in their journey.

    Completing a few marathons after kicking a shitty smoking habit

    marrying my wife (13 years and counting)

    Still many more to come

  4. I got a 5-in-1 mop at IKEA for like $20. It has a mop, a squeegee, and a brush and everything. Felt fantastic.

  5. I have alot so I’ll just pick one

    My husband and I went on a weekend vacation to the east coast and rented a beachfront house. He took me out to the shore and it was like 11pm. It was a full moon and the moonlight reflected against the water in the most beautiful way

    We went out into the water, calf deep, and slow danced together in the water, totally dark out other than the moon, absolutely nobody around, and just the sound of the ocean. I love him so much

  6. Taking my 10-year-old daughter to see Queen + Adam Lambert, and her crying during “’39”.

  7. My brain doesn’t work this way sadly. I cannot even think of anything. However, prompt my brain with something specific and I can usually remember the event like it just happened.

  8. One of the children I work with asked me to be her dad and is always excited to see me. She’s one of the reasons I want my own kids some day.

  9. My favourite memories include seeing the ocean at sunrise on Christmas day; moving into my own dwelling for the first time, independently; giving a concert to decent enjoyment, and in generally learning more about myself.

  10. My wedding day. For somebody who luck is not always on his side this one day it absolutely was. Everything went how I wanted it to go AND I married a fantastic woman.

  11. COVID Lockdown.

    It taught me that I’m a born loner. They were the best 3 years of my entire adult life. This is because despite the fact that I was working 32-40 hours a week, and going to school full time, I got to look forward to every single one of my days off without worrying about oblihations to someone else. No in-laws to tolerate, no family dinners around people I don’t particularly like or care about, no trips to Ikea to get a new coffee table even though the one I have at home is fine.

    Now I’m spoiled and refuse to ever give up my free time, or compromise on it to make anyone else happy.

  12. I learnt to dance waltz and mazurka not long ago. One of my happiest moment was the first dance I had with my girlfriend without thinking about my feet positions and just enjoyed our dance. That was fantastic.

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