So I(24f) was invited by a colleague to go with her and a group of other colleagues about my age, to this town marked/ concert thing on Friday evening. The thing is, my social battery is just Really low, and i always feel uncomfortable in situations like that. Especially with people my own age, because i can’t really relate to them.. (long story short, i was forced to grow up very early and never had the youth experiences most others did)
But she asked me in front of a lot of other people, and i kinda, felt on the spot and said yes.
But now i don’t know what to do. I know I won’t enjoy myself at all, but at the same time, i know i will have to work together with these people for at least the next 4 years, because my workplace is paying for my bachelor’s education and i feel like I need to get along with the people i work with… So what should I do??

1 comment
  1. If you really don’t want to go then say you have something important to do. Maybe say you have to drop off or pick up a family member or something like that. You should definitely try to go though and maybe make a new friend. It’s easier said then done but who knows. Breaking the ice with them now might make them better co workers in the long run.

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