Men, how would you react to years of mental torture and being compared to her perfect ex then finally the relationship ending because she cheated on you with said ex.

  1. I would take a long hard look in the mirror and see that I ignored the warning signs and put up with it for too long, then I would vow to never make those mistakes again.

  2. I don’t put up with torture of any kind.
    But I’d be happy to be free in your situation. She’s his problem now. You should be chuckling daily.

  3. I’d wonder how in the world I ever allowed myself to become that pathetic and allowed someone else to abuse me like that.

    Then probably question what I am even doing with my life if I have somehow allowed shit to get that bad.

  4. Grieve, Process, Find myself, Enjoy life

    There is clearly someone better out there

  5. Id feel pathetic and begin the multiyear process of rebuilding myself into the type of man that this doesn’t happen to.

  6. I’d probably not last through the “years of torture” and just move on. Not worth it.

  7. Been in a similar situation. I’d cut her off when she even mentioned him but, still she persisted i would tell her to stop mentioning him and she wouldn’t. eventually she broke it off to “find herself” aka be a hoe.
    I built myself in that time I hit the gym I lost weight(30 pound) , I read psychology books, books on Game, books on war, power, masculinity.
    I got a better job, better car, changed my style haircut, clothes etc, put myself out there more and realized I can pull more attractive younger women who treat me better.

    I learned my worth. Which is what you need to do.

    Also, I’ve met that girl years later and she looked horrible gained weight and doesn’t look her age that lifestyle really caught up with her.

  8. honestly? i would have more disrespect for you than i would for her. and the question of “how i would react” is legitimately impossible to answer because it is impossible for me to find myself in such a situation, i dont allow even 1/100 of what you apparently do

  9. I would have left the moment she started using mental torture and comparing me to her ex. She sounds like what you’d call an ‘Alpha widow’. In her head, you were never on his level. Not that her opinion matters, but it certainly made her do what she did.

  10. Well take a picture with her and then thank her for leaving you and celebrate that day.

  11. Best thing to do is show her that you couldn’t give a single fuck about her existence or what she does with it. Karma will prevail. I had a gf years ago who cheated on me with this wanker. She discovered that his mother won the lottery and gave him a huge chunk of it. She then broke up with me to get with him (I wonder why?). Anyway, fast forward about 1 year and she actually has the audacity to try to confide in me after HE cheated on Her and binned her off. I simply shrugged, sniggered a little and walked away. Now I’m happily married for 10 years with the most trustworthy woman I’ve ever met in my life. Last I heard about the ex was that she worked some shitty retail job whilst jumping from guy to guy for no longer than 4 months at a time.

  12. Years.. oh no. Dont put up with that kind of crap. Move on my dude. You deserve better. there is better out there!

  13. I’d be ashamed and embarrassed that I stayed through years of that shit. Then move on

  14. Its self hating, I am feeling the same way. You ask yourself, why did I put up with? You feel used and worthless. I haven’t found the cure, but there is something that I tell myself, if I did not try everything I could to make it work, the I would have always wondered if I did the right thing, to try and fail is better not to try at all. That being said, your ex is a horrible human being and she is clearly sick in the head, just do not repeat your mistakes and forget about it, when we are in love, we do crazy stuff, also I think she will try to come back, because women like her have no shame, either way block her on everything and make it impossible for her to reach you. Good luck

  15. I would have left her as soon as it’s was clear that I wasn’t who she really wanted. Unless you are the person a woman truly wants, she is going to make your life worse, not better. Better to be alone than with a woman like that.

  16. ah, this is the story of my first love, almost to a T…I moved on and she eventually went to prison for beating kids at a daycare. sweet gal.

  17. The moment a woman compares me to her “perfect ex”, she’s gone. That’s a hard line I don’t cross, and I expect the same from her.

  18. Honestly that would never happen to me. Why waste years on somebody who treats you this shitty?

  19. Happy that it’s fucking over, slap myself in the face for being such a fucking idiot, and move on to bigger and better things.

  20. Honestly, at that point you gotta laugh! 😂 Red flags were slapping you in the face! Just gotta take your L and learn from it!

  21. Best vengeance is to leave and find a happy life. That is what I did, and I have never been happier. Didn’t realize how unhappy I was until I caught her with another guy and walked away.

    If she cheats with you, she will cheat on you. That “perfect ex” is fucked. When she wasn’t with him, she romanticized and idealized their relationship. Now, they will either get back together or not. Either way, cold reality sets in, and she is going to be seeing the other side of that coin before too long.

  22. I wouldn’t since I’d never get into a relationship like that in the first place

  23. Uh, I wouldn’t put up with that shit for years in the first place.

  24. No need to think about situation that will never happen. I would never allow myself to be in a relationship with a person like that.

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