How do you find friendship with a man compared to with a woman?

  1. I usually have closer friendships with women, probably because they’re generally better at having conversations

  2. I have no woman friends but i love chillin with my boyz drinking playing pool playing cards with big cigars talking shit all night.

  3. I would say I have the same about if female friends as male friends. Often I find guys try and one up each other or try and make themselves seem the smartest or strongest, even if I like a guy friend there’s often moments where people feel like they always need to compete, but banger is often a bit better though that could be because I’ve known them longer. My female friends I feel closer to and can go to them for advice if I need or simply just to vent, though we often have different perspectives on some issues it’s nice to get different views.

  4. kinda boring, tbh. guys only want to talk about “stuff”. many women generally enjoy talking about emotions, experiences, hopes, dreams, fears, desires, places they want to visit, people they’ve known, etc….

    listening to some guy talk about his lawnmower or his flooring gets pretty dull after about…11 seconds, imo.


    in my experience, women are also sillier. they love to laugh and say and do goofy things, and i can be myself around them…which means saying and doing goofy things.

    whenever my wife’s friends come over, the house is full of laughter and silliness. whenever they bring their husbands, things seem a lot more somber.

    this is purely anecdotal in my life experience.


    about 2 weeks ago, we had a friend over because she wanted us to meet her new bf, we were outside smoking a bowl and he was looking at the house and said “man, this is some extremely good tuckpointing!”

    i said “thanks! what the hell is tuckpointing?”

    the defense rests 😛

  5. Just personal experiences of course:

    Friendships with men are usually based on the mutual understanding of what we are going through. There is a plethora of things just another man with a similar social background than you will ever truly understand. And that amps up the compassion and empathy to 11. There is certain behavior your male friends will check you on, which is helpful and important. Other than that, we usually all share humor as our go-to coping mechanism, making things so much easier between us.

    Thing is, and speaking solely about “friendships” between men and women, they didn’t really make the cut regarding my standards for friendships.

    The ones I saw were usually extremely exploitative, with the guy being used for attention or as an emotional tampon while low key trying to fuck the girl. While the latter isn’t cool either, most girls I met were perfectly aware of this but still pushed for the guy to put in more and more effort. It’s pretty toxic all around. Calling it a friendship would be insulting all my friends.

    Best thing you can hope for is for her to at least go through the motions of being a reliable friend. Mostly though, if the guy is in need of any form of support, he has to go to other guys for it. And as soon as either gets in a serious relationship, the thing evaporates in an instant.

  6. From my personal experience it is way less effort to have a friendship with a man. We can go completely silent for a couple of months and still be best friends when we talk again.

    I had girl friends when I was younger, but it always felt that I was the one who wanted to be friends more, put more effort into that. While I was nurturing the friendship it was going well, once thoughts formed in my head that they don’t want to be friends, I stopped initiating converstations, asking them to hang out – those friendships ended. Basically I feel like it was a one way street.

    Even new friendships with men appear out of nowhere. I can’t say the same about friendships with women as I have no women friends atm, while I have 6 guys that I could really call friends.

  7. Both can be good… but I’ve found I connect better with male friends generally like others have said here. You just kinda get each other more.

  8. Women friendships have always been more sit around and talk about light weight stuff that I quickly get bored of. Male friendships have always centered more around common interest, relatable problems and chatting about things that’re more meaty and require you to engage your brain.

  9. So with women it’s a pain in the ass. Men don’t get Pissed if you go radio silent for a while. Plus you have to watch the “locker room” talk. And ladies have their own version of this too. I’ve overheard it, it’s just as fucking savage as the guys talk.

    But yeah it’s much higher maintenance to be friends with a woman than a man. You can actually just be yourself with the guys, when you still have to wear your polite society mask with the women folk. and when you want to just relax and hang out with your friends, you don’t want to be putting up a front.

  10. Guys in my experience want to sit at home and play video games while girls would go out the moment I male plans with them. It is more fun with guys when we do finally make plans but it feels like I have to drag them out of the house.

  11. I’m batting zero when my manager is a woman. Not sure why I just cannot get along with them. It’s not misogeny or lack of respect.

    As friend, M or F .. doesn’t matter.

  12. Guys tend to be more goofy. There’s a lot of messing with each other just for the sake of it. With girls that’s not as common. Girls tend to talk more about people, guys about stuff. It’s not better or worse, it’s just different.

    I’d say that if you want a more lighthearted and fun mindless time go with the guys. If you want support, and talk about more down to earth things, girls are better with that. Not that it doesn’t work the other way around, but this has been mostly my experience.

  13. It’s easy to be friends with a woman. Just pay her attention and be unattractive to her. You’ll be just friends for a lifetime.

  14. Men and women can never be as close friendship wise as men and men or women and women. There’s the distinct lack of shared perspective and the ever present possibility of romance that gets in the way. You can definitely be friends with a member of the opposite sex but the bond just won’t be as good.

  15. I find relationships with women (who aren’t secretly in love with me) to be extremely one-sided.

    In my experience, they want all the benefits of a push-over boyfriend without any of the intimacy

  16. Less pressure with male friends.

    Plus I’m cheeky by nature so it’s fun to bounce off guys. Girls would be offended and probably think I’m gross

  17. Men typically have no expectations. Just hanging out and good times.

    By comparison, women seem to expect some aspects of having a boyfriend. None of the sex, of course. But they sometimes still expect me to pick up the bill for whatever restaurant we’re at or whatever. Um, no, you can pay for your own food, honey.

    EDIT- Lol downvoted by someone who just doesn’t understand why she can’t find a male friend. Keep searching, sweetheart, you’re bound to find someone desperate.

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