I [25M] was getting a couple of matches on dating app and we initially hit it off well through texting. Usually we talk for a bit and then I suggest meeting up for coffee in the weekend. Given the long delay until the weekend, I find it hard to keep up the conversation beyond the usual career, family, health, w/e and eventually it gets dry and the girls lost interest. I am also not particularly great at making spontaneous pick up line but even then how do people keep someone interest just by texting? It also doesn’t help that they don’t often ask any questions besides the “and you?” type.

Going off on a tangent, I also am having a hard time understanding how to navigate the process. Since I am interested in a relationship (short/long), I want to know the other person as well as wanting to know if we actually do vibe in person. The problem is that, I won’t know if we vibe until we actually meet, and to meet, I have to properly navigate the process of getting matched, starting a conversation, continuing that conversation, etc. and it is a lot of effort to do that and at some point, perhaps even myself feel like it wasn’t worth it to go on a date with the girl if only I am the one who texting.

1 comment
  1. If I’m understanding this correct, I’m reading this as if you get a match, say on Monday and you hit it off online, decide to set up a first meet for coffee on the weekend, but the conversation dwindles.

    If I’m reading this correctly, let me suggest less often check-ins. Perhaps twice in a seven day span, once in five days or less. Something like that. If I’m not reading this correctly, please forgive my misunderstanding.

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