He asked me out for a second date last Monday but I told him I was sick so he decided to cancel the date and told me we should do it this week better, even tho I was ready to meet with him, he said it was better I didn’t go out that day cause it was raining and I had a cold.

He didn’t give me any specific date, just told me we should do it this week, that was last Monday, so far I haven’t heard from him and I am kind of into him, not sure if I should text someone who apparently ghosted me.

  1. He asked you first and you couldn’t go because you were sick, he suggested this week without giving you a specific date because he wouldn’t know when u would recover/available again. He basically put a ball in your court, you should be the one asking him out this time. Im sure he’d be happy to meet you, maybe he’s been waiting for you as well.
    I dont think not asking u out again is ghosting, unless you texted him something already and he didnt answer.

  2. He didn’t ghost. He was waiting for you to let him know when you’re better and to organise a time. Although it’s been 2 weeks and he may have just moved on, you never know. Can’t hurt to just flick him a message to see where he’s at.

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