Since the first time we had sex (2021) till now, my gf doesn’t like having sex.

Some background info:

We are both in the same college, in a relationship for almost 3 years now, and both were virgins until we met. She is an excessive masturbator and I don’t masturbate anymore so my only source of pleasure would be from sex. Not to mention, I LOVE SEX.

Anyways, she has never really wanted to have sex and she is very basic when it comes to it. She is never interested in pleasuring herself from sex. Even after the amount of times we have talked about it. It’s like having sex with a sex doll most of the time which I have come to get used to but I hate it. I want passion, energy, excitement, etc. She recently denied sex with me just to masturbate to porn. I mean I have tried talking to her about many solutions, positions, angles, etc that we can do, but still she would rather masturbate. There was a period time where something we did did felt insanely good to her, but she still would rather masturbate, I’ve done everything and now it’s getting to me because I’m done trying. It’s exhausting. It seems like she is not interested in penetration sex. All she wants to do is masturbate to porn and/or sex-scenes.

  1. It sounds like she might have a porn addiction. She could be expierencing something similar to death grip syndrome (is there a female version of that?) It’s a pretty horrible feeling to be in a relationship with someone that would rather watch porn than be intimate with you or try things to improve sexual chemistry, especially if there have been attempts to communicate and understand

    It sounds harsh, but it could also just be that you don’t satisfy her in a way that she wants. If that were the case, it’d be nice of her to communicate that since you’ve communicated too

  2. If she does have a porn addiction like the other redditor suggested, which I didn’t know was possible for girls but w/e, maybe try fucking her while she watches porn. That way instead of masturbation she will actually be feeling the sensation of sex. Sounds like a compromise to me

  3. Stop wasting your time together and find someone who actually wants to try to make a relationship work.

  4. The best suggestion for a relationship I got so far is if the partner doesn’t care about your needs then it’s not happening. You gotta call it quits.

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