I’m currently 20 years old. I had 4 jobs in 4 years. I have never been fired but quite them all. I made A’s and B’s in high school. But I never actually tried. I did the bare minimum. In my last year of high school I had enough credits to graduate except one. So I failed every class but that one. Also I was diagnosed with bp disorder but I have very supportive parents for anything I want to try. But I honestly don’t know what I want to do with my life. I thought of myself in about every profession. I pick one then I switch up. Currently doing the same thing I did in high school but in college and it didn’t go well so I took a year off. I started when summer was over and know I’m back at it again in the same ways I been though out all my schooling. I’m just over it. I’m thinking of just getting and job and saving money for the next few years and then going back. Thoughts?

  1. You’re young, and unsure about what you want to do in life. This is very normal. My recommendation, if you can afford it or your parents can help, is to take a gap year and travel (for as much time as you can.)Meet people. See new things. Once you do settle down, you’ll not likely have the opportunity again. This time away should also help you discover what you like and don’t like, as well as what you want with your life. It doesn’t need to be expensive, stay in youth hostels, but get out there. Your world and horizons will expand and you’ll mature, you’ll figure out if you want to continue studies or work.

    And for the record, I didn’t find a job I liked till I was in my 30’s. Many people never find one they love, and just do it for the paycheck. THAT IS OKAY TOO!

    We work to live, not live to work.

  2. Do the fold a sheet of paper in half vertically thing. List everything you think you may like about work on one side and everything you don’t on the other. I’m retired now but knew I liked exploring and I liked talking to different people. I didn’t want to be couped up in the same building with the same people every day. I spent my final 25 years in the workforce selling insurance. My sales area reached across 5 counties. I know where all the good diners are. 😉 I talked with lawyers, doctors, laborers, teachers and people who were retired or on disability. I never dreamed I would have enjoyed this profession, but I did.

  3. Do not take a gap year!!!

    When people take gap years because they are getting bad grades or are unmotivated in school, they have a tendency not to come back. Worthwhile gap years have a solid plan for success when you get back, and it’s pretty clear that interrupting your education right now is basically ending it until you find the motivation to come back as an older student.

    You need to get to whatever office in your school can help with study skills and accommodating your mental health issues. You have problems that can be solved. You’ve already started, so finish. You have to learn how to try at some point in your life, so finishing your degree is a fine place to begin.

  4. When you say “bp disorder” do you mean bipolar or borderline personality? There’s a big difference.

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