Why or why not is it a turn off to date a chick that’s 2/3 years older then you?

  1. 2/3 years isn’t enough of a gap to make any real difference. My partner’s 6 years older than me and I personally love it but everyone’s different. Usually an older woman is more capable of having intelligent in depth conversations.

  2. That age difference would only be significant if I were, say, 18. I’m now 34 and it means pretty much nothing.

  3. 700-900 days isn’t that big of difference if you ask me. Basically nothing in the grand scheme of things. It wouldn’t even be a thought

  4. My most recent ex is 3 years and 9 days older than me. We met when I was 20 and she was 23. We were set up by a mutual friend. At first I thought it was too big of a difference but as time went on I forgot all about it. She may have been older than me but her age did not reflect her maturity, which was the main underlying issue behind our breakup. But after our first couple dates it did kinda turn me on that she was older.

  5. OK I read this as a fraction and the answers made no sense. -_-

    2-3 years older is nothing. I’d say even 5-6 is not much of a problem. At this point in life, I don’t know the age of the people I meet in general… so if it clicks it clicks.

  6. It depends at what age and what are the intentions of the woman.

    Usually men don’t like to date older women in their 30s because they are in a race against the biological clock. So a 32M dating a 35F, would be signing to have kids in a few years, limiting their couple life to the bare minimum.

    But if you take that off the table… for example a 20M dating a 23F or a 50M dating a 53F there is no problem.

  7. 2-3 years is nothing, especially as you get older. When I was 17 (leagl here) and she was 26, that was definitely interesting. Wouldn’t change it for the world.

  8. I find it is only those with an agenda or those with self esteem issues have problems with age gaps. If everyone is consenting and of legal age and ya’ll get along, so be it.

    Nothing else really matters.

  9. Only when the older woman assumes that,that age equates to “maturity” and by default you must be less “mature”. But the turn off would be the attitude not the age gap itself!

  10. 2 to 3 years is nothing, especially when you get out of college and get older. Most of the people I dated were about a year or two older than me and nothing at all was out of the ordinary

  11. I’m almost 40, and, while I’m not 100% positive I want kids, I’m not 100% sure I don’t, either. Dating a woman 2-3 years older than me basically makes that decision for me, and I want to keep my options open.

  12. 2nd comment since I see you’ve asked this a lot. You should just ask her out dude, 2-3 years is no big deal.

  13. Most women my age have a lot more experience in dating and relationship than I do and hence it would be an unbalanced relationship. That’s one of the reasons I’d prefer a younger woman.

  14. 2 to 3 years is nothing, I dated a woman that was 12 years older than me for 7 months when I was 26.

  15. *than.

    I used to do that when I was young, but now women 2 to 3 years younger than me are still too old.

  16. If I were in high school that would be a significant age difference. After high school it’s not

  17. 2 or 3 I can do but more than that is a turn off as I feel like she will be too mature for me or too immature for her age.

  18. It depends on what age the guy in question is:

    As a teenager, dating someone who’s a legal adult is sketchy.

    Around 18-22, dating an older chick wasn’t so much a turn off as it felt unattainable. At 18, I felt like a 20-21 year old chick would want a more mature guy. At 21, I felt like a 23-24 year old chick would probably want a guy whose not in uni.

    Once I graduated and started work, it really stopped mattering.

  19. I’m in my 30s; it’s a turnoff as they’re likely at a point where they don’t have interest/logistics for kids

  20. My first college girlfriend was a senior when I was a freshman. Three months in she had accepted a job in Dubai once she finished her degree. Best year relationship with an expiration date ever.
    My wife is five years older than me but we were both born in the 70s so I don’t think that matters much at this old age.

  21. I do want multiple kids, so I stopped dating my age or older for long term relationships.

    It’s not a turn off, though. I’m into fitness and folks pushing 40 aren’t always in the best shape. That’s a fitness thing, though, not an age thing.

  22. Because I am already 28 and would like to have children someday. But considering that is not something to rush into, taking a couple of years to really get to know a woman who is already 31 is just not practical.

  23. I’m 28.

    Dating a woman who is 31 would mean she would want kids in 1-3 years usually.

    Dating a woman who is 25 would mean we have a lot of years before we have to move in together and start a family.

    The pressure and pacing in a relationship from a 31 year old woman compared to a 25 year old is completely different.

    I want a family in 5-6 years, so dating a 25 year old is perfect for both of us, generally speaking.

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