My friend (33M) found out that his wife (35F) was cheating on him for the past half year with online people and refuses to take a step.


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My friend (33M) found out his wife (35F) was cheating on him for the past half year with people online. He got contacted by a girl that used to be friends online with his wife that started telling him about her adventures online. She had 5-6 guys that she would be flirty with but only got serious with 2. With the first guy, she would do the whole sexting thing, there are screenshots of her telling this first person that she loves him and that she would want to visit him, with my friend, but that would want to have sex with this guy while my friend is asleep.

With the second guy, we got more out of him, because this one really thought he could have had a relationship with her and got out hurt. Screenshots of her saying she’s only with my friend because shes comfortable with her life but that is falling for him (second guy). Got to a point where she even had a hypothetical conversation with this second guy on which she wanted to know what he would do if she got divorced ”tomorrow”, on which ended up with her saying that she didn’t want to pressure him into it but that they were at a stage where they could speak about these things, while still being married to my friend. She sexted with this guy aswell, asked him for nudes, on which he sent but never really sent nudes of her own. She said that she was falling for this guy and that she was super happy to have known this guy.
Apparently things got a darker turn because this second guy started demanding more out of her, with all the right, because you don’t tell someone you are falling for them and not commit.
This guy got extremely attached to her and was hard to speak with him. But my friend managed to jump on a call with this guy, where they spoke and my friend even got access to the whole chat between his wife and the second guy. Just a month ago she said that she couldn’t divorce my friend because she could not sustain herself.

I know they have a kid together, but I feel like my friend deserves someone that actually loves him, so his little kid can know what love looks like. His wife, with this scare, has been trying to manipulate him into working things out but I think that this relationship is done, and I don’t know what to do to make my friend realize that he should pursue something else. Does anyone have any advice?

  1. Them having a kid together is the biggest reason for them to split.

    A parent’s job is to provide stability for their child. If you can’t do that with the other parent, you have to do it by yourself.

    This woman is too unstable to be relied upon.

    He needs to divorce and petition for full custody, if he can get it.

  2. Sorry to hear that your friend is in that kind of a relationship. Honestly I think he should consider moving on if that is a possibility because she clearly has already given up on the relationship.

  3. Welcome to most couples. Close your eyes and pretend it didn’t happen. You can’t help who doesn’t wanna be helped.

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