Am I(22f) the only one who hates when the first thing a guy does on a dating app is ask for my snap with no actual interest in having a conversation and then when I give him my @ he just starts sending random selfies with no words or conversation. I do not care to exchange random photos brO. I’m fucking bored.

Is it safe to assume any guy(with exception of course) who asks for your snapchat (of all things? like what are we 14?) right off the bat is not of substance or interested in actually getting to know you? Cause that’s been my experience for months now.

  1. Put on ur profile/bio, 🫰=👻. This way, u have no guilt when u ghost them if they ask for snap. Secondly, pick guys that seem like they have the intellect and maturity to carry a conversion.

  2. every single guy i talked to on dating apps asked for snap, and i was so sick and tired of it. fast forward a bit, my now boyfriend asked for my number and we didn’t even have each other on snap until like a month after we were official. it was so refreshing to say the least

  3. I have never in my life been asked for Snapchat so this is very strange for me to read 🤯

  4. The biggest problem with snap is that it is catered towards young teenagers, not adults. So yeah using it as a primary form of communication is def a turn off

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