Okay I know this sounds very middle schooler, and is a dumb question. I’ve usually been really good at knowing this kind thing but I just got out of a 5 year relationship a few months back, and same for the girl I’m talking to now.

She has a kid who’s 2 years old, I’ve met him, I’ve met her family and they all like me, we’ve been talking for about a month now? She’s said things when we’re in person like “I think you’re what I need right now” or “you’re literally the perfect guy” things like that, but our texts are kinda one sided almost? I don’t know with her my brain shuts off and I can’t think normally and I’ve never felt that way before.

It’s honestly just super confusing and I don’t know if it’s cause I really like this girl and I’m overthinking cause I don’t wanna mess up or what. But women of Reddit please help 😂

TL;DR: Is she into me? or am I just head over heels?

  1. Ask her on an actual date and see what happens. Pretty sure she’s into you. Like 99% sure.

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