Was wondering, when you are single and open to hookups/ons, why sometimes, when you hook up with a woman, and the woman offers to do it again sometime, you reject it, despite having enjoyed it? Is it because it is not thrilling anymore to do it with the same woman, or are you worried that you/the woman will catch feelings if it continued or something?

  1. Enjoy is vague. It depends how much I enjoyed it, and whatever else (if anything) goes into the hookup that I may not enjoy

  2. I’m not into women, but I have had my fair share of hookups. So, to answer your question, it’s because it was a casual hookup. Just because I’m attracted to you sexually doesn’t mean I want to be your friend or talk to you outside of our meet up. Unless the person was actually cool and we got along, I don’t keep in touch after we hookup, even if I had a good time. More than one time meeting usually ends up being a fwb or fuck buddy, and that eliminates the benefit of no strings attached

  3. Could be any number of reasons. Maybe it was enjoyable sexually but you since changed your opinion of her as a person.

    Maybe the GUY’S situation changed and he ethically can’t have sex with her any more (relationship that went exclusive, for instance).

    And yeah also what you say: some things are definitely “one and done”.

  4. “having enjoyed it” is an outsider’s perception. In my 20s, I once hooked up with a hot girl way out of my league. She was terrible in bed. There was no effort from her side and I left saying I enjoyed the time together. I never replied when she reached out (I was cocky). Now I’ll be more honest and tell it to her face. But back then I didn’t have the courage to do that. I thought I was just being polite.

  5. Some are just in it for the chase, once they caught you and f*cked you then it onto the next, no fun to them if ya freely available. Simply another notch on their tally board.

  6. sometimes just not in the mood

    society would have us believe that men are always up for it but in reality, were just regular people.

    sometimes we want it, sometimes we dont. sometimes we only want it because it might be a while before the next one. etc

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