So we’re both in the same art class at college. We’ve sat at the same table and had some good conversations/laughs the past 2 classes. Im 20M and shes 21F.

I really like her, she’s really attractive, down to earth, approachable, and easy to talk to. We’re both kinda introverted and aren’t very social people, but I think we seem to have some chemistry together when talking. We’re both a little awkward though, me more than her, so there’s that too.

I really want to ask her on a date next class period but I’m not exactly sure how to go about it. She seems like she would be interested just based off our conversations, but I don’t want to come off as creepy or anything.

I’m thinking the best time would be to catch her and ask her after class or when we’re in the parking lot to leave, but I’m not exactly sure. I feel like it would be weird to ask her during class with everyone else around. I’m not scared of being rejected, but I do really like her and just want to give myself the best chance. I’m just looking for some tips/advice for this, thanks!

1 comment
  1. Go somewhere you might’ve figured out she liked when you spoke. Not sure what the budget is, but if you’re both art students, try a gallery or artsy restaurant. Or maybe just a good spot in the city you know you’ll have fun in.

    The most important part is you both have a good time and get to know each other even better. Also, don’t treat it like a big life-changing since you’re both introverted and might get nervous otherwise.

    Be like ‘Hey, I know this place we might have fun at, wanna check it out later this week?’

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