In my new class theres this girl who likes everybody in the class. She seems to be almost the center part of my class and everybody is freinds with her. But she absoletly dispises me, for no reason. I tried to ask her why she hates me: ””cause youre annoying” she responds with and groans. I havent done anything to her at all! I try to get on great turns with her to stop this but she just picks apart everything i say and disses me. She also freezes me out of conversations and events with my class. What the fuck do I do?!

  1. Hmm. Sucks. Maybe she sees you as competition.

    You can’t make people like you, especially the ones who hate you. What you can do is fuck with them in a sweet and caring way by being kind, polite, gracious, generous and a little cheeky. Because when you respond badly to them, return hate for hate, or sadness for hate, it affirms their feeling that you suck. You end up playing their game by their rules.

    Don’t do that. Play their game by your rules. Be the sweetheart that everyone loves, who’s beyond reproach. It’ll make her look like a dick which will annoy her. Who knows? It may shake something loose that’s making her so irritable.

    Every time she says something mean to you, look at her as if to say “I know you’re only doing this because you’re trying to suppress how much you like me.”

    But to do this you must be strong. Have you ever laughed when you were in a fight because the tension got so ridiculously high? I have. And it drove the other person nuts haha! You become an immovable object against which nothing sticks. You become invincible. Don’t let her get under your skin. At best she’ll hate you but respect you.

    This might be terrible advice lol. But if I were you, it’s how I’d handle it.

  2. You know the peach theory?

    Imagine you’re a peach.

    You’re the juiciest, most delicious peach in the world.

    Unblemished skin, perfect amount of peach fuzz, just ripe but not too ripe.

    You are the greatest peach that has ever been grown.

    Some people just fucking hate peaches.

  3. You don’t need her approval she’s just some dumb kid, nor do you have to put up with her bs pettiness. All the other comments have great advice on this

  4. Just ignore her, people aren’t going to like you nor do they have to have a reason it’s just a fact of life go on about everything and just pretend she doesn’t exist.

  5. Looking through your post history, you seem to have a lot of conflicts with other people your age. If the same problem keeps coming up again and again with different people, then it’s time to take a good look at yourself. Is it possible you are doing things that annoy people or put them off?

  6. You should leave her alone first.

    She has stated she doesn’t like you, give her space, respect her boundary. Can you understand how asking her why she doesn’t like you more than once could be extremely annoying?

    Not everything everybody does is 100% logical and yet we still have to respect each other’s boundaries. Maybe one day she won’t hate you, but that day clearly isn’t today and until she tells you different, assume she doesn’t want to talk and move on.

  7. Do you like her? Or you don’t have any other friends? I mean, why is her acceptance so important for you?

  8. This sounds like an awful situation, I’m so sorry you’re in it. She sounds very mean and petty. Your brain will be hyper-fixated on it because her behaviour is threatening your social inclusion, so I think the first thing you need to do is train yourself to shift your focus. You can’t change her, and any tactics that attempt it (being extra nice, asking her why, confronting) will likely make things worse. Do you have friends in your class, or other classes? Do you have sports and/or outside hobbies? Focus on building up these things as much as you can. When you’re facing bullying at school, having friends and hobbies outside of the situation helps you be more resilient. You could also read up on how to hold strong boundaries with people which will help you be more firm rather than reactive.

    Also I promise school ends and life on the other side of it is long and SO much better.

  9. Ignore her but if she ever interrupts you or does something inflammatory, just give her judging sideeyes (act like you’re always judging her) and be like “so anywayssss”

    this will give you the power

    you gotta make other friends in the class though. Make it obvious that you don’t need her for social validation

  10. After high school you won’t see ANY of these people on a regular bases.

    When your 30 you’ll barely remember their names.
    Remember that your education is what matters here.
    If I could go back through college I would focus more on the knowledge and not women

  11. Nobody’s obligated to like you, just because they also like other people. Sounds like a win-win situation if you would just ignore each other.

  12. We’ll, if she’s going to dislike you no matter what you do or say… I’d say that you’re free to do and say things freely, without being bound by her opinion. 🙂
    I have a co-worker like this, and boy has it made getting important communication completed easy. “I need you to get ______ ordered for me” “Well next ti-…” “you have until Friday *click*”
    Some people will just never like you… and some people who don’t like you, will learn to respect you if you’re completely unbudging with them.
    Not sure if this advice is morally correct, but it might take the edge off of your anxiety.

  13. Try to forget about it. All that negativity is an obvious sign that it’s pointless to do anything with the situation. In time she’ll calm down and even begin to be curious about you.

  14. It’s alright dude, some people are there just to hate you. I understand it bothers you, but some people will just hate you cause it’s you.

    Don’t waste your time giving her attention

  15. Sounds like she suxks man. People only hate you bc they’re jealous or have something they want. If you have haters you’re doing something right bro

  16. She possibly has a crush on you; regardless though I recommend to just ignore her flat out. Don’t make eye contact, talk to her, nothing. If she does like you then she’ll end up talking to you and if not she’s just nasty. Don’t give her any attention just keep doing your thing

  17. please be strong. Dont let this big back moose stop you from being you. Stand out make her blood boil. Cut her off from others be social and give her a taste of her own medicine without being the bad guy

  18. Do other people like you? Maybe she sees you as competition? Or maybe you don’t give her the attention everyone else does

  19. my advice is don’t even try to go out of your way to talk to her. better yet, act like you don’t care for her at all. when she freezes you out of convos keep talking or talk to one person to get what you have to say out there.

  20. You can people some people some of the time but you can’t please all people all of the time

  21. Do you have someone to talk to in real life? What kind of relationship do you have with your parents?

  22. She probably low key likes you playing hard to get ha

    Don’t ever think your the reason for someone else’s rude nature.

  23. Looking at your post history your weird fetishes to objects such as keys could be a problem.

  24. What about the rest of the class? Is there anyone else with a similar attitude toward you?

  25. Listen. Everyone had that person they desperately wanted to be friends with. Ask any adult. It happens all the time until you die. Some people just don’t mesh well and there’s nothing you can do about it.

    The best advice is to accept it. To not talk to that person on purpose and be cordial and nice just out of default. Don’t acknowledge your past conversations and tell yourself “she doesn’t want to be friends. I have more time for those who actually like me”. I don’t think you have to interact all that much, right?

    There’s also people who just annoy you with their behaviour. We used to have one who just couldn’t understand why we didn’t want to hang out with him. He’s self righteous, gives unwanted advice, talks about himself and makes weird jokes. But you know what? He’s nice. He’s never been mean to any of us. But he’s just not pleasant. And that happens to a lot of people in school. They don’t have much self and social awareness… no humility. That comes with age.

    So the best thing is to take a look at yourself – improve what you can towards being a nice positive person. Empathy is always nice so maybe start little habits with your already established friendships (listening skills come in handy). You can do it by looking at people who seem like good friends and taking apart why exactly are they liked. What traits do they possess that you do not. Then work on accepting yourself and being content with not being liked by everyone. Life is a journey. You have to start somewhere – so start today. You will always be rejected in some way so the earlier you can handle it, the easier life is. Then lastly just don’t take it too hard on yourself. Things like that seem soul crushing but believe me – all of us have been there and it gets better.

  26. Your school should have a school counselor. Reach out to your school counselor because your counselor will give you better advice and have more insight than anyone on Reddit.

  27. Some people just won’t like you and don’t need a reason to. I don’t think you should keep attempting to get her to like you, or you’ll give her an actual reason to dislike you. Leave her alone and talk to other people. Not everyone is going to like us and we can’t control that.

  28. This post reminds me of myself when i was in high school. I was very immature and did things that others would find annoying in attempt to gain attention. As I grew and matured over the years I realized two things

    1.) I was annoying, and a fool. I learned humility, and I learned that there were areas in my life that I needed to work on socially.
    2.) Seeking validation from others will not replace the insecurity in my own life.

    If you are open minded and can take a look in the mirror, you can change. Don’t worry about what others think. Improve yourself.

  29. Hey, is there a chance you’re ADHD or Autistic like me? If so, “neurotypical” folks can literally pick up on our traits within literal minutes, and many automatically dislike us because they get an “uncanny valley” feeling from us. If that’s the case, there’s literally not much to be done.
    If you’re not diagnosed either of those things, some introspection is called for. You might not get a real, in-Depth answer from her as to what her problem is. Talk to someone you trust. Ask them straight-up: “is there anything I could do to improve my interactions with others?” And take what they say seriously. You can do this.

  30. Just ignore her.. some people just won’t like you and there’s nothing you can do about it.

  31. As I’ve seen in previous posts and problems I’ve had with some people, sometimes people just don’t like each other. It’s not a “you did this so I hate you” thing or anything like that, it’s just some people naturally despise another one person for no reason at all.

  32. Stop kissing her ass. In my opinion. This is a fight fire with fire sort of situation. If she’s not going to be friendly with you then there’s no reason for you to be friendly with her.

  33. >What the fuck do I do?!

    Stop. Stop doing all of it. It is IN FACT annoying.

    Stop asking this person why she hates you. NEVER ask a person why.

    >I havent done anything to her at all!

    FALSE! Stop trying “to get on great turns with her “, or whatever this creepy bullshit means.

    Stop thinking that this girl is friends with everyone. Stop keeping score about who is friends with who and who like who.

    Stop caring if this person or any person, likes you or not.

  34. She sounds weird. Don’t bother with her. Don’t give her no attention.. also interrupt her next time she talkkng

  35. That’s school aged girls for you. I hated school due to the girls being bullies or worse, playing inclusion/exclusion games.

    Don’t chase her- you look desperate and it’s annoying to have someone bothering you when you don’t want to be friends with them.

    Don’t feel personally targeted – everyone is different and has preferences on the type of people they want to be friends with. At school, it extends out further to only having particular people as friends as part of a look/image /reputation.

    I’ve never seen any of the people I went to school with since leaving. Life changes, people move, interests change etc.

  36. It seems like this might be something with you if so many have a distaste for you. Is there anything in your personality that you’ve noticed that might come across as off putting?

  37. Not everyone is going to like you and you aren’t going to like everyone either. Let it go.

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