I don’t know what the average salary in the uk is anymore and I’m due a pay rise pretty soon and want to try and get above average.

  1. Depends on the role. Take a look at places like Glassdoor, you can search for a job title and get an idea what the national average and regional averages are for that particular role.

  2. The median salary is about 31/32k

    I would consider that a good salary before the last year of cost of living

    Now really I would want 40-45k

  3. I remember reading a couple of years ago the average wage at 30 in the UK is £30,0000 a year, I don’t know how true it is though

  4. ~40-45k is decent now, more than that I’d say you’re doing well.

    I thought I was doing ok at 33k but no not so much.

  5. Depends on the job role and the location.

    Some jobs and locations £35k would be decent. Some job roles and locations it’s awful relative to the cost of living and pay within that industry/role as a whole.

    Need more details in order to answer really.

  6. £35k is a fair. £40k+ is good. You should be getting ahead in life.

    To live like a care free life though you probably need to get to £150k+….

  7. Your salary should be commensurate with your role, your experience, your skill set etc.

    What is a “good” salary in isolation is nonsensical. If I have few skills and little experience, a “good” salary might be one I can get by on. If I have 20 years experience in a competitive skilled field, a good salary is going to look very different.

  8. We’ve reached a point where as a single person, an average salary is a struggle to live on.

  9. It’s too nuanced I think. If you’re without kids and in parts of the north then you might live very well on 30 grand. Add in any of the below and it changes:

    – kids
    – the south
    – an addiction to crisps

  10. High 100s is where I’d start to consider it “good”. To be clear, I’m not saying you need that much to be comfortable, but I personally wouldn’t be happy earning less than 150.

  11. You need to give serious doubt to what others are saying about what is the UK’s average wage because I can tell you the vast majority of UK employee’s are no where near earning the kind of money people in the comments are saying is the UK average way.

  12. How can you expect any decent advice when you don’t give us any details about what you do, how long, etc?

  13. I see this question asked a lot and usually there are a lot of people quoting the average salary and then saying anything above that is good. The problem with that is that the average salary in the country isn’t anywhere near good. So if the average is around £30K then £35-40K isn’t ‘good’. It’s slightly above average.

    I would say inside London a *good* salary would be about £80K+, and outside of London £50K+.

  14. You are asking two different questions:

    * What is the average salary? Measurable and objective.

    * What would *we* consider a GOOD salary? Depends on industry, experience and the actual job.

  15. Depends on location, I’m in Manchester now and rents in the centre have gone insane recently so I’d say £50k+, in other cases you may be looking at £35k+.

  16. Definitely depends a lot on where you live and how much things like houses are! I’m from the South East, near London, and most would probably consider a good salary a lot higher than what I do, but people up North or in cheaper areas might agree with me?

    Anyway, my mum worked super hard as a single parent and earned 30-32k a year, and we had everything we could ever want as children. Library and museum visits, a holiday each year (abroad), books, toys, etc. She was savvy, often bought secondhand, was careful with food shopping, applied to charities to pay for instrument lessons etc. She’s incredible. Particularly as my dad never gave a penny towards my sister or me.

    But I’d say 30+k is a good salary, based on that really!

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