How much do you overthink things?

  1. I tend to overthink things quite a bit. I often find myself ruminating on things long after they’ve occurred, and trying to figure out ways that I could have done things better. This can be both a good and a bad thing, as it allows me to learn from my mistakes but can also lead to a lot of unnecessary stress and anxiety.

  2. To the point of crippling inaction at times. Had to learn to just go forbit and resolve problems on the fly.

  3. I think that the other comments cover it quite well, but I’ll add that to the point where simple insignificant things Greatly affect me because I will spend an entire day trying to “decipher” something that was never there, taking up all my time thinking about them.

  4. A decent amount, unfortunately.

    Went on a hike with classmates this past Saturday and was asked to partake in a group photo. I was at the very end of the group and was next to a girl I wasn’t close with or familiar with. So I made sure not to put my hands around as people customarily do in photos and tried to keep a respectable distance. But it’s a photo so we are all bunched together still.

    After the photo was snapped, I heard the girl sigh in relief as I left her side and it made me seriously wonder if I had creeped her out by getting too close or something haha.

    Probably overthinking.

    But one thing I try to remind myself is that I cannot ever control how others view me. As long as I go through life trying to be myself and respectful, you let the cards fall and if some random person feels uncomfortable around me even when I didn’t try to do anything… hey, you can’t control how others feel or view. Just gotta roll with the punches.

  5. All the time. To the point I’ve had panic attacks over it. Trying to keep myself busy to stop it.

  6. Very rare since I found a new job I enjoy. It’s important to do things you like and have no regrets…

  7. Not that much! Maybe sometimes. Actually pretty often but now that I think about it not that much. Maybe a little. But not too much.

  8. All day every day. Sometimes I overthink about overthinking. I hate my mind. Drugs dont even help anymore.

  9. A lot. Constant thinking leads to worries which breeds anxieties over remote possibilities that will never take place. It’s one of my biggest problems.

  10. Far too much. It usually is a snowball effect though. Ill over analyse ever detail and draw conclusions from it which will lead to me thinking more and it puts me in a fouler and fouler mood.

  11. Why? Why are you asking? Why would you even ask this question if you weren’t trying to incriminate me. Who asked you to ask this question? Why am I even on Reddit?!

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