me and my partner have been tenants for 15 months now and our tenancy agreement expired on the 12 month, (1 year agreement) this house is absolutely infested with mould and we just don’t want to be here any more. Since there was never a renewal of a contract or even a conversation. Does this mean we can just get up and go? if not where does this leave us?

  1. Have a chat with Shelter helpline, they’re very good with housing issues. They helped me when I had a dodgy landlord try to evict me with a couple of weeks notice

  2. You do still have a tenancy. It automatically goes to a rolling contract after a fixed period is up. So I’d assume your notice period is 28 days. Good luck finding somewhere else

  3. Depends
    Read your contract and maybe seek advice

    I’ve walked from 4 tenancy agreements simply by giving a month’s notice and paying rent for said month

    I’d be surprised if you can just “get up and go” cos, well, landlords have rights too

    Last time I gave 28 days notice to a landlord, her first response was to ask if I was paying rent for the period
    I said “of course” and she settled down
    Bitch still stung me for 350 quid of my deposit, but thats just a given

    Note: IANAL

  4. 1 month rolling contract. If you call environmental health and it’s uninhabitable due to damp then you may get refunded the rent from when you notified them

  5. You are on a periodic rolling tenancy. Assuming you pay rent monthly, then you need to give 1 month’s notice aligning with your rental period (so if it runs 5th-5th then you need to give notice on or before the 5th of the month to leave the following month).

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