what little things, I.e, yellow flags, made you realize the relationship wasn’t going to work?

  1. out 1. If your partner is constantly putting you down, making you feel bad about yourself, or making you feel like you’re not good enough, then those are definitely yellow flags. 2. If your partner is always picking fights with you or trying to start arguments, that’s another big yellow flag. 3. If your partner is always trying to control you or telling you what to do, that’s also a huge red flag. 4. If your partner is always putting their own needs above yours or neglecting your needs altogether, that’s definitely a problem. 5. Lastly, if your partner is always unwilling to compromise or work together to solve problems, then that’s definitely a sign that the relationship isn’t going to work out in the long run.

  2. She told me we were through. Suddenly she isn’t returning my phone calls, texts, multiple Facebook accounts I made trying to contact her. She calls the cops when I try to enter her home with the spare key. Was upset when I followed her to work one morning.

    Eventually I just had to call it quits. I deserve to be with someone who wants me.

  3. He wasn’t close to his sister who was two years younger than him. I could never understand why that was such a big deal. She seemed like a nice lady. And then one day I overheard him talking to his mom, who was just asking how he was doing. He was so rude to her on the phone and then complained about her when he got off. I was perplexed by his lack of affection for his family because they seem like decent people. I’m very close to my family and we show a lot of affection, but his was different. It was odd. It really made me take a step back and think why his interactions rubbed me the wrong way and if it would be a problem later down the road.

  4. I think the only thing I can think of is passive aggression. Which indicates inability to communicate. A smaller one is them being really adventurous move to another country travel the world etc not a negative just don’t match. But I wouldn’t of wanted to date somebody like that anyways.

  5. I would go to pick her up on a date, and she wasn’t even home. She would show up 30 minutes later laughing, “my friends and I just went shopping too long”. Did this constantly. She was hot but after a while I got tired of the game.

  6. My ex before I met my wife just kept getting more and more emotionally dependent on me. She was getting really clingy and kind of lost her independence and it really turned me off, and I broke up with her, from her perspective, completely out of nowhere. From my perspective though, it had been escalating for quite a while.

    Looking back on it though, I really did a shitty thing. Our breakup hit her hard. Her parents were going through a divorce, her best friends moved away for other jobs, and she was just leaning on me for a little more support, but I didn’t realize it at the time. Because I was young and selfish, I just saw it as her getting more and more clingy. After some years had passed, and I had matured more, I realized that I should have handled it differently. I don’t know what I’d do differently if I could go back in time and do it over, but I would definitely try to be more understanding.

  7. They ate waaaay too slow, painfully slow; If there was a Guinness World Record for the slowest eater they would win it hands down kind of slow.

  8. It was among a few other yellow flags and lifestyle incompatibilities, but one that stands out was this girl who I dated for a few months. We were at an event and decided to go grab lunch somewhere in the vicinity. She says “oh I can drive this time if you’d like!” “Sure! Thanks”

    We get to her car and it’s one where you can’t see the floor in the front or back seat because there’s a solid like 2″ layer of trash throughout the whole thing 🙃 I consider that a yellow flag since it’s relatively easy to remedy and not like me banking on them changing a core value or something, but I was already having doubts about continuing on, and that didn’t reassure me in the least lmao. I think I broke up with her/ stopped dating like 2 weeks later.

  9. Instead of telling me something was wrong and she was upset I had to hear about it from two of my buddy’s wives that she’d only met a week prior.

  10. A lack of clear communication or answers. Especially if it was there at the start but faded away.

  11. Immediately shitting on my hobbies. I’ve dabbled in drawing, jewelry, ceramics, and I had small pieces scattered about my apartment. Nothing that I particularly would show in public, but I felt good about them. First time she saw them, it was “Oh my god, what is this??” then derisive laughter. Of course she might not have known they were mine, but even if she didn’t know they were mine, she should have realized that I wasn’t presenting them because I thought they were good, she should have realized I was presenting them b/c they at least had some emotional connection to them. But, no, none of those thoughts went through her head. It just really, really displayed a lack of empathy that she’d continue to display throughout our entire relationship.

  12. When she would judge other people and make snide comments about them based purely on ethnicity or chosen career.

    Even more strange when she was an immigrant herself. Seemed to have a superiority complex. You know that’s not going to end well.

  13. She doesn’t like dogs. Which in itself is not a problem but she doesn’t ever want them in her house.

    That’s now a nonnegotiable for me. I will have my dogs they’ve been my dream since I was a kid. I grew up in a household with dogs and I love them and want my own.

  14. I can think of several and while all of them chiseled away at my desire of wanting to marry her (an ex) they were never dealbreakers probably still aren’t necessarily. I think a lot can be gotten over through talking and empathy but at a certain point the mind does wonder does it always have to be so tough? Does it always need to be an argument? I think she was just intolerant of a lot of things while I could keep an open mind. For instance, we agreed that we didn’t want to have kids but she believed firmly that having kids is just wrong in todays climate and anyone doing so is a criminal or something akin. She also could never take accountability. Crashed my car and just blamed it all on the other person. Like I wasn’t there and I’ll take your word for it but don’t tell me you could not have avoided it at all. At least apologize.. for something.. even if it was not your fault. We agreed that the world is a shit place and that there are lots of issues. Poverty was a big thing we chose to focus on. While I wanted to volunteer more and do my part apparently all she wanted to do was blame/hate the billionaires for not ‘ending’ poverty or homelessness. She was also on twitter a lot and I didn’t think she needed more hate fuel. Also was willing to cut off family members for political opinions they held which was weird bc they seemed like fun, happy people otherwise. If you will cut off family for opinions they hold, what would you do to someone you are not blood related to for the same

  15. As time went on I realized her stepfather was very controlling Evangelical Christian type controlling. In the end he talked her into breaking up with me because I wouldn’t go along with his manipulation tactics. But I saw it coming along before it happened! If anything I hope that one day she wakes up and realizes that she spent a lot of time looking up to somebody that wanted nothing but to manipulate her and the rest of her family.

  16. Here’s what I walked away from a few years ago: She would never wait for me.

    For example — when I parked the car somewhere, She would have her door open and walking briskly towards the store/restaurant before I could even shift into “park” or get out. At some point I got tired of feeling stupid and sprinting to catch up with her and just moseyed at my own pace.

    Whenever I would cook dinner/bring carryout, I’d get everything all set up for us where we were eating, run back to the kitchen to get whatever I forgot, and she’d already be halfway through the appetizer/salad by the time I came back.

    The absolute worst though was Christmas. At some point I had brought over all her presents (and they were very personalized thought-out gifts) to put under the tree. We couldn’t spend the holiday together, so I went to her house later that night — and saw that she had already opened all her gifts and put them away. That one hurt because I really wanted to enjoy her reaction to discovering them.

  17. We couldn’t grow together. I found myself having to live up to a standard I wasn’t comfortable with because I didn’t feel the door for communication was open and healthy.

    After feeling like I was leading the charge from that sense and then feeling attacked when I did try to broach that, it made me realize I would be developing myself FOR someone else vs WITH someone and that’s not a life I could live.

  18. She wasn’t talkative, I’m not talkative at all, even to this day. It simply felt like nothing

  19. We went camping, and when I dropped her off at her place she stole a half full bag of cool ranch doritos out of my Jeep Wrangler. I saw her steal them all sneaky like and tuck them in her bag through the jeep.

    I was starving, young and broke far from home. I was going to eat those as soon as I left her place. I ghosted her.

  20. She had saved letters & notes from her ex boyfriend. Who happened to be now dating & living with her best friend. Who all happen to be in the same friend group.

    She also said I looked like her ex and was into threesomes.. (which made me think she wanted one with her ex and her best friend)

  21. She was very attractive but was a complete narcissist. Have you ever tried arguing with a hot af lawyer ? I was a resident on planet Jaimi- god she was horrible.

  22. I remember some other driver slighted me once. I can’t remember exactly what he did, but it wasn’t a major slight, moderate at best. My girlfriend at the time rolled down the window of my car, and screamed at the driver, “Fuck you, bitch!”
    Some people might have been attracted to that. Sticking up for me kinda thing. But I just thought it was completely classless and I knew: we weren’t compatible.

  23. • Incompatible outgoing preferences
    • Persistent disagreements on everything
    • Lack of communication
    • The relationship feels more like a chore than cooperation between two individuals
    • When you consistently feel less happy together than when alone

  24. One night she went out with her friend to the bar, they “made friends” with two guys and when I went to pick them up she made me let the two guys come back to the house with us to hang out for a while. That’s weird, right? Cause in her head I was crazy for thinking that was wrong. I was also crazy for thinking that she could have invited me… cause it was “girls night.” How is it okay for you to hang out with these dudes all night but not okay for me do the same?

    This relationship ended badly.

  25. Once had a girlfriend lecture me about buying some kind of cheap food containers from Walmart because the packaging didn’t mention it being BPA free. She asked me if I was trying to give her cancer. Get ready for the punchline folks… we had just stopped at a gas station so she could get a pack of cigarettes… YOU CANT MAKE
    THIS UP! Lmao

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