After a breakup, when do you delete pics of your ex?

  1. Any sort of lewd/nude photos I delete immediately. Usually I’m the one doing the breaking up so I’ll delete them before the end of the relationship and the same goes for any photos in my camera roll. As far as couples photos on social media, sounds shitty but I just leave them. It was a blip of time in my life and it can stay in my memories to look back on.

    Sometimes I see stuff from my ex 7 years ago and I just laugh about how immature I was or how young we looked.

  2. Depends on who the ex was but younger me would only leave the hot ones so I could fantasies about them. Later on if they dumped me straight away. Lol

  3. Usually I’ll delete them from my phone within the week after, but I do still have them backed up. I like not having to see them when I open my photos app, especially right after the break up, though. Nude/lewd pics get completely deleted.

  4. I don’t…

    Why would I want to erase pics of my past?

    If a dude needs me to delete all pics with an ex so he can delude himself into thinking I never was with anyone else before than he is not the guy for me.

    I don’t do insecure, it’s to exhausting.

  5. I stayed friends with most of my ex’s, but I only have a couple of pics of each, and they are none romantic pics. My bf doesn’t mind because he’s friends are some of his ex’s. Actually some of his ex’s are my friends, so as long as it’s not nude/sexy stuff I couldn’t be fussed. Don’t need to erase someone from your life’s memory’s if you didn’t end on a bad note.

  6. I have photos from past relationships saved on my laptop, but not on my phone. I also have old photos from years ago on Facebook. They’re a part of my life – I’m not going to delete them, but I also don’t spend time looking at them either.

  7. Why would I delete pictures of my exes? They’re part of my past. I delete nudes, that’s it.

  8. Yup. Why keep pictures of a relationship you are moving on from. Keeping them would just make it harder for people to move forward.

  9. I never send nudes and my boyfriends and I don’t take many pictures, for the most part.

    I have all of the ones of my fiancé and I and our cat, though.

  10. I delete when I feel I am able to look at them again without crying lol. been hard with the recent ex cos I have a lot of photos and I thought it’d be the one that stuck but he cheated 🤷🏻‍♀️

  11. Okay so I see where this is going since I saw some OP comments.

    For me
    1) when I am ready to move on I delete the pics. They were part of my past? Sure. Will they be in my future? No. I don’t see why I have to hold on to some pics. If the moment was “that” special I’m sure I’ll remember.

    2) I had an ex that had his ex gf in his WALLET and till this day I am ashamed on how I did not react or dump him before. Even though I understand why some people keep those pics not everybody keeps them for the “memories” it’s the sentimental value that matters and specially with men, I do not trust its just to “remember good old times” usually its a very much romantic memories. You don’t have to tell him to delete them but if it’s makes you uncomfortable enough you should think maybe he is not the one. Also matters what kind of pics is he saving.

  12. I do it slowly over a few months from my phone since it takes time and I don’t go through my pictures super often anyway. I didn’t bother with deleting from Facebook when I had it. Also takes too much time and it forces you to look at pictures when you could just move on and not look at them.

  13. I don’t, because my relationships haven’t ended badly (except one in my early 20s). I tend to stay on friendly terms with exes (in fact one of my best friends is someone I was with for two years). It’s not like I go around crying over pictures of exes after we break up, I just don’t need to erase my past.

    Also, when my most recent ex died last year I was happy to still have some photos of him, not that I look at them often.

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