How do your periods look after pregnancy? Did your bleeding days get shorter/longer? Less painful/more painful? Did that change affect getting pregnant again?

  1. Prior to pregnancy my periods were light, 3-5 days and pain free. After a twin pregnancy, my periods are always 5 days, 2 of them being light 3 of them heavy. I do get cramps now but they’re not debilitating by any means. No worse than contractions. Haven’t tried to get pregnant again so I can’t answer the last question.

  2. My periods basically flip-flopped- before pregnancy they were very irregular, pretty heavy, and could last anywhere from 3 to 10 days. I didn’t have any cramps. After pregnancy they became very regular and much lighter, averaging 4-5 days, and I did start experiencing cramps but not bad ones. I learned that I have PMDD- before pregnancy I was tentatively diagnosed with bipolar-nos, but after things became regular it became really obvious that my severe mood issues were tied to my period.

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