This inquiry stems from a conversation my wife and I had not too long ago.

– What is the overall feeling towards genital piercings on a man or woman?

– Is it something you’ve had done yourself?

– Does it bring you and/or partner pleasure?

The reason this conversation came up partially due to my own genital piercing. I [m] have a 10mm (00g) Prince Albert piercing. This piercing I’ve had this piercing for over 10 years and have had it through multiple partners.

The sticking points or questions we had, genital piercings are still seemingly rare and were curious is it just because we don’t see them, what are peoples feelings on them, and what do people feel if their partner has one (she’s always has me take mine out).


  1. I get queasy thinking about piercings anywhere down there. Definitely not for me, either seeing it or having it done on myself. I do applaud anyone with genital piercings though, that takes guts

    If any of my future partners had one, I’d have to ask them to remove it before any playtime. Of course they’d have the right to refuse, we just wouldn’t be sexually compatible

  2. I love seeing them on people. Very aesthetically pleasing and erotic. Couldn’t do it on me though, ever.

  3. I used to have my clit pierced. But I ended up taking it out because during sex it would almost hurt if someone touched me there

  4. I hear the prince Albert piercings on a man make sex quote pleasurable for him. I don’t have it done and I would never have it done, nor would I want my bf to get it done. Seems like it would get caught on stuff and cause him or me pain

  5. I think clit piercings are sexy looking, I’ve never been with a woman who has had one.

    I would never have a cock piercing of any sort.

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