What is the last good deed you did for someone else?

  1. Some friends are down on hard times. I’ve left a bit of money around their house so they think they’re finding money they lost.

  2. I was giving a young lady a ride home (Uber driver) and she told me about her night. She basically got screwed over twice by men, once by her date, once by some random guy who took advantage of her kindness. After she explained this to me I ended the ride in the app and took her home for free. She was so moved she started crying.

  3. Paid for an older ladies groceries in front of me. She was only short maybe nine dollars. It felt good.

  4. A friend of mine was unsure if he was going to make it to DnD tomorrow night (from writing this) but he said he was going to buckle down and grind homework in the library until about midnight in hopes that he wouldn’t have to miss DnD night in order to continue working on it, so I bought and brought him some food and snacks from the cafe in the library basement to keep him going. I guess it wasn’t entirely selfless as I did it because I want him to be able to make it to DnD night (he had to miss the last one), but I got him a Gatorade, a sandwich, some candy, and a pretzels/hummus grab-and-go container. He’s a really good friend and I want to be as helpful to him as possible because he was one of my only in-person college friends for most of the pandemic. It was definitely worth it to see his jaw drop and eyes widen when I walked up and placed everything in front of him (I think he was expecting a Gatorade and some candy at the most). And before anyone asks, no, I do not intend to ask him to pay me back. Never did, never will (Except by continuing to be such an awesome, supportive, and genuine friend).

  5. My wife and I bought food and some supplies for some homeless people recently. We also helped a friend of hers get away from an abusive partner. You gotta make a difference where you can. We are in a fortunate situation financially so we can do the little donations every once in a while, but those who can’t should not feel guilty

  6. Besides basic decency?

    Gave a dude in a parking lot my jug of coolant for his radiator. Told him to just pay it forward next time he’s able.

    Gilbert, if you’re reading this, hope you made it.

  7. Had to “liquidate” 90% of my household this summer. Ended up giving most of it away to families that were struggling financially.

  8. Helped a random dude get some furniture inside his car and gave him some rope to tie the hatch down.

  9. Was shopping and saw a woman who had her hands full of groceries trying to make it to the register (the ole “was only planning to grab one thing”) so I let her use my cart. Nothin special but it was the most recent.

  10. I do little ones all the time. But one I’m particularly proud of is last weekend we got an Uber and the driver was listening to a lecture. I asked if he is in school. He said yes. He has a day job at a store and drives an Uber at night to support his wife and children and also studies to be a pharmacist in between Uber rides. I had such respect for that man I left him a $100 tip. He told me he used some of it to buy his wife flowers. Best $100 I ever spent.

  11. I sent a friend $250 via PayPal to buy supplies for people struggling after a natural disaster. They were collecting donations.

    I later found out they spent it on themselves instead.

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