What is the most selfish thing you’ve done for your own happiness?

  1. Continued to pursue someone romantically (current bf) even after being told by his friend that he wasn’t in a good place to date and I shouldn’t continue. I’ve been with him for almost 6 years now and I don’t regret it.

  2. I was playing a videogame at my friends house Injustice 1

    I actually practice it way too much at the time & am very good

    I was playing badly on purpose bc it was a house party & didn’t want to ruin it for anybody so I made all the games super close as hell on purpose but I always won

    Until one dude said “Batman is a terrible character he’s a master of none which is why he’s not that good” & he’s my favorite to use

    So I tried my absolute best & destroyed him 4 matches in a row without taking damage bc I was petty

    Then he apologized & shut up then nobody wanted to play the game anymore so they went outside to play basketball RIP

  3. Took my sailboat and left a crappy little country filled with bad memories and went to a foreign country with better weather and no memories.

  4. Cut off toxic friends without a word. I still feel a little bad about it sometimes but I know it’s for the best

  5. Got a divorce. Best decision ever! Put myself first for once. Found an amazing lady a year later and finally living a great life.

  6. I’ve stopped initiating with friends. I used to always be the one that had to initiate hangouts and conversations, and it destroyed my mental health because of people walking all over me, and the uncertainties I had as to whether they actually cared. Now, I let them come to me, and there is no more uncertainty – they do not care.

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