I’ve become close friends with someone in my friend group. We barely started hanging out one on one in the last month.

Yesterday she called me around 11:30pm just to talk. She said “I haven’t talked to you all day, I just wanted to see how your day went!” So we had a nice long conversation.

During the conversation, I told her I worry I text her too much in a joking way. She said “No! I love texting you. When you didn’t text me this morning I was sad and a little upset just thinking ‘why hasn’t he texted me?'” I teased her about it, and she said “it’s been really nice texting someone. I’m a big texter in all my previous relationships so it’s been nice having someone to talk about our days and stuff.”

I teased her that I would have to stop texting so much before she falls for me. She responded “I have a tendency to get attached to a guy and talk to them all the time. I’m happy it’s you that I’m texting because I would end up getting attached to some random guy that will probably end up being an asshole. So please don’t stop, I’m happy it’s you this time.”

I’ve been confused because my other friends have told me not to overthink it and that it’s just friendly talk. Meanwhile, she also told me yesterday that she likes being around me and talking to me because I calm her and make her happy. I’ve known her for a few months and was shocked to hear her awkward giggle when I was pulling this info out. She just said “ah I don’t want to say too much, can we switch the subject?”

Conversation went on for 4 hours into the early morning. It felt so natural and when I tried to say goodnight, she resisted hanging up and kept me on the phone for another hour.

I’m a socially adapted adult, but I’ve NEVER started a relationship with a friend in a consistent friend group. So I’m treading lightly.

Does she like me?

  1. It’s possible, but I never like to assume. There’s enough there to shoot, but there’s no guarantees in life

  2. *Tells you she loves talking to you and feels attached to you*
    “Does she like me?” .. Noo, clearly she thinks you’re a scumbag..

  3. Dude she’s got you asking you out on her mind. Do it. Shoot your shot, she’s almost asking you to.

  4. Are the other friends you talk about part of your friend group? She does say ‘my previous relationships’ which would indicate that she considers you to be in some sort of relationship. The behaviour does sound a bit clingy, particularly if she needs someone to calm her down.

    Friend groups can have a lot of politics and history, maybe even dated or hung out with each other. There is also the possibility that they don’t want the two of you to get together.

  5. She likes you.

    The only way this story would have a different analysis is if you were friendzoned. And that would take more than two months, it would have to be a recurring pattern. Since you’ve only known her two months you can be self assured that you’re not friendzoned. It would be too soon to end up there.

    All you have to do is make your move, soon, within the next week, and she’s yours.

    Btw, some rules of thumb.

    1. Girl calls you past 11pm. She likes you.
    2. Girl spends four hours on the phone with you? She likes you.
    3. Girl DEFENDS the idea of you hitting on her? She likes you

    So what was that story of your friends telling you not to hit on her and then another female friend chimed in to defend you? You weren’t clear on who was saying what in your story.

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