I need some ideas at the moment. Also, if you aren’t planning on doing anything this year do you have any HOF costumes to mention?

  1. Apparently we are hosting a Halloween party at my place. I will probably do something last minute, like put on a fireman’s hat from Party City or something.

  2. Same thing as last year, a chef.

    Yes, I’ll be walking around in my black pants and chef coat because the way my shift is, I literally get off and head straight into trick or treating mode.

  3. Toss up between Ronin from Avengers Endgame, Jim Hopper from the scene in Stranger Things S4 when he cuts off the demogorgon’s head, Three Hole Punch Jim from The Office, or Jack Ryan, the player character in Bioshock 1.

    I have the outfits needed for all 4, it all just depends on how much effort I want to put in the night of.

  4. “Papa Dragon” (Bowser/Me) and “Baby Dragon” (Baby Bowser/my 4 year old daughter)

  5. I’ll be working. Last year despite giving out good treats, many parents didn’t send their kid to my door. I live alone and my house isn’t the most decorated. I do what I can. The kids that do come love pulling candy from the skull jar I present. Maybe some parents think my home is too sketchy? IDK. It’s kind of depressing. I have to work this year and probably won’t bother with it anymore.

  6. White dress shirt, red tie, tiny light brown shorts, white socks and sneakers. Pretty much the outfit that SpongeBob wears to work.

  7. I wish to upgrade my steampunk costume. But im lazy and poor so I wont… although I have nobody to visit or do on Halloween so not point anyway.

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