So I went out with drinks for some coworkers at a bar (most of them work remotely so it was my first time meeting many of them). At one point, I kind of choked on my beer and involuntarily spat it out.

Well, I later found out that someone saw me and thought I vomited, and they told some people. A coworker told me she’d heard I threw up and a bunch of them were worried about me. I told her what really happened, but tbh my story sounds like a cover up so I doubt she believed me… Nobody else brought it up and like I said, I doubted people would believe me, so I didn’t say anything more.

The night is over but I feel humiliated just knowing people were talking about it. Like, the truth doesn’t really matter… What people believe does. I can’t stop imagining them talking about me behind my back, shaming me for not handling my alcohol, etc… Idek if I should go to the next work function.

A couple of friends told me it’s not a huge deal but I wanna hear from others. If you were one of my coworkers, how much would you care about this? Do you have any general advice for me? Thanks!

TLDR: a coworker thought I vomited and told other coworkers and now I feel embarrassed. Want to know if this is really as big of a deal as I’m making it in my head, or if people will likely forget soon.

1 comment
  1. It wouldn’t be a big deal in my work but we drink a lot on a night out lol. You shouldn’t be embarrassed you didn’t do it, go to the next party just act normal and if anyone says anything laugh it off and tell the truth.

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