What’s something you’ve always wanted to ask a woman?

  1. You’re smart, fun, pretty, emotionally stable, have a career with your own money… why are you still insecure?

  2. How long can you going without sex or masterbation, on average ? I realize it’s different for different woman

  3. How can I impress you

    How can I get to know you?

    How can I let you know that I exist?

    How can I let you know that you will be the most important thing in my life?

    how can I …..

  4. Why do so many of you think it’s ok to sexually harass men in bars? I almost always have to deal with it when I go out and because of it, I rarely do anymore

  5. Why is it that showing interest in her pushes her away yet she agreed to go out with me? Why is being nice repulsive to women? Why do I have to act like a rude dick to attract you?

  6. OP, thanks for posting this question. I enjoyed replying to most of the queries and reading all the answers.

  7. Are you aware when your guy-friends are in love with you? And if so, why do you pretend like you are oblivious?

  8. Okay here is something I have always wondered about. How do you know when your period starts? Do you feel it coming out or do you have some sort of indicator or light that turns on?

    Ironically I’m now picturing women with an oil light or check engine light on them somewhere…sorry my mind wanders.

  9. Why do you hate when a guy just wants to be alone to be by himself to be independent or just literally think about nothing?

  10. How do you feel about men who don’t have social media? I’m 19 and I don’t have any sc apps. I often wonder if women find guys like me unattractive, outdated or insecure?

  11. Do you still have a shadow ‘cycle’ if you are post-menopause? Emotionally speaking?

  12. Why is it taken personal when your spouse or significant other denies your sexual advances?

  13. Why 14 years old girls try to get into romantic relationship with 17-18 years old boys, who aren’t even interested in them(at least that’s the case with me and my friends)? We really don’t want to date kids, taking into account that 18 and 14 is a huge difference in teenage years

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