Is it true that American schools don’t teach kids cursive handwriting anymore?

  1. Depends on the school. I’m 18 and learned cursive as a kid and it’s still my preferred way of writing.

  2. They taught cursive once in third grade, but I dont remember much lmao. I don’t know how to write in it and I don’t really see the use in it. It’s one of those antiquated things that boomers think is the foundation of proper schooling.

  3. I learned it when I was in like elementary school, but never used it other than signing my name.

  4. Depends on the school but by and large it is not taught anymore.

    My daughter’s school teaches it enough to read it. She can read my cursive. She cannot write it.

  5. American schools are governed at the state and local level. There is not a single answer to this question.

  6. We learned it in 3rd grade for like a few weeks and that was it. It’s not something I use and something I would struggle to read.

  7. They often do in elementary school, but it doesn’t get reinforced at any point from age 9 onwards. So reading it is fine but you have to search through the back of your mind whenever trying to write in it

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