Girls, what’s your biggest deal-breaker in a relationship?

  1. Feeling in competition, even the smallest of lies. I’ve learned that if they’ll lie about something so small then they’ll lie about every thing else.

  2. Tobacco use- any form. Having children. Not having a job or vehicle.

    I dont ever want kids. You need a vehicle to get anywhere here.

  3. Having or wanting children. Wanting to have sex before we’re in a committed, exclusive relationship. Only ever offering the bare minimum.

  4. Lack of respect (whether it’s lying, cheating, manipulating or abusing/neglecting other people or animals). Wanting children. Putting no efforts in communicating. Controlling/jealous behaviour. Having incompatible values and lifestyles.

  5. Cheating.

    Lack of respect, I nip that bud early.

    Abuse which could be physical or emotional abuse. Can never tolerate coercion of any kind.

    Not owning up to their mistakes and making excuses, accountability is important.

    Lying. Even about small things, because if they lie about small thing, they’ll lie about bigger things.

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