When you’re not expecting anyone that is.

Growing up I was always told to not open the door for anybody and as someone who hates interacting with people I really took that to heart; even if it’s daytime unless I’m expecting a delivery I don’t answer the door.

Tonight someone started knocking at half 10 and I froze on the spot and then crept out of sight of the frosted glass in the door. They left after about 10 minutes of knocking and wrapping the letterbox and as the lights were all on I’m sure they knew I was home, and maybe they needed help idk but I wasn’t going to risk anything by answering the door. I’m now trying to calm my heartbeat and have tested all the doors just in case. Will not be putting the bins out tonight methinks.

Does anyone else do the same? Or are other people braver than I?

  1. Nah I don’t open for anyone unless I am expecting someone or it is someone I know. I have security camera so I can see who is knocking

  2. I don’t even bother opening it during the day unless it’s a delivery. And even then I have a parcel delivery box next to the door.

    I think you did the right thing not to open it. If it was someone you knew they would phone you. If they don’t have your number then they don’t know you. Don’t open your door to strangers, especially at night.

  3. If someone was knocking for 10 minutes I’d be torn between “okay they clearly have something really important to tell me like that my house is on fire” and “okay they clearly want to murder me”

  4. No but weirdly last December we had the police at the door at around 10.40pm. We were in bed and froze and didn’t know who it was. It turns out they were looking for witnesses for a crime that happened the day before on our street but they came to our door at 10.40 at night to ask if we saw anything!

  5. I don’t answer the door, day or nignt, unless it’s family or regular amazon guy. They all have a secret knock sequence on the window so I know it’s someone I trust. Never answer or even look through the spy hole, too scared someone will look back at me šŸ¤£

  6. Yeah I do, doesn’t happen often but either family or police when it happens, when was younger though a random guy knocked at the door loud and tried the handle that was a terrifying experience turns out he was pissed out of his skull, thought it was his house šŸ˜†

  7. Yes. Itā€™s probably an emergency if some sort. A burglar / murderer / hit man isnā€™t going to be put off by me not answering the door.

  8. Absolutely not. Iā€™ll open the window and ask who it is. Iā€™ve had a few people ring the door bell in the early hours and Iā€™ve just froze.

  9. Nope but with Ring doorbells installed it makes it much easier to decide if I should open or not.

  10. Yep, one night around 11pm, bang bang bangā€¦it was the neighbour letting me know our front room window had been left WIDE OPEN. My S/O was the culprit!

  11. I don’t answer knocking on my door unless I’m expecting someone..everyone knows to text me b4 coming round

  12. I’d put the chain on and answer.

    Including when armed police came round at 2am once. They knocked and shouted loud enough to make very clear who they were.

  13. I wouldnā€™t open late at night, I might not open in daytime either. Ugh social situations.

  14. Yes, it’s probably my little sister drunk and about to throw up somewhere. My house is about halfway between town and her house so it’s a more common occurrence than you’d expect.

    She once came in crying, saying she was being chased, only for me to discover the person “chasing” her was a very confused taxi driver who she had tried yo pay by giving him her shoes.

  15. I donā€™t answer the front door at all unless Iā€™m expecting someone – nobody Iā€™d want to interact with would randomly turn up at my door, and I donā€™t fancy being robbed, murdered, or worst of all have to deal with salespeople.

    Iā€™d try not to worry in your situationā€¦ whilst a bit weird, if someone truly had terrible intentions they probably wouldnā€™t want to draw attention to themselves by lurking around and making noise.

  16. Itā€™s only ever happened to me once:

    It was about 22:45 and someone knocked on the door. I was actually awake in the living room playing my PlayStation with headphones on – I didnā€™t hear it but my dogs came barrelling in to the room barking because someone was at the door.

    I secured them and opened the door – it was 2 police men. I shat myself. What the fuck has happened?!?

    Something had happen across the road and they want to k ow if Iā€™d seen anything. They had decided to knock, as theyā€™d seen my light on.

    Iā€™ve never been so freaked out.

  17. Ring doorbell helps me avoid this.

    I’m very particular about my house so I won’t even answer to family if it’s unexpected! I like to be able to run the hoover round & make sure the place is spotless before I let anyone in.

    The only time I open the door to unannounced visitors is for parcels really.

  18. I don’t answer it during the day if I’m not expecting someone.

    If it’s important they’ll shout I’m sure.

  19. i so not answer door to anyone day or night…unsolicited call as far as i am concerned unless pre-arranged.

  20. Yeah I hate it. My extremely angry for no reason neighbour will be accidentally given my parcel and he will knock on my door for a scary amount of time while standing next to a parcel boxā€™s that reads please put parcels in here Iā€™m a night worker and likely sleeping thank you . Anyone who is knocking that long is a fuck up.

  21. The door buzzer in my flat died a couple of years ago.
    I get parcels sent to the pickup point in the corner shop which is on my walk to work or the Amazon locker down the road at Morrisons.

    My phone is my doorbell, which means only friends – I live in blissful ignorance of salesmen, charity collectors and late night axe murderers.

  22. I knocked on someone’s door at 2am when I was a student – they answered eventually and were just about to read me the riot act when I pointed to their garden which was on fire! They changed their tune after that. (Before you ask, I rang 999 before waking them up)

    I had a 3am visit from the police this week because a drunk driver they were following crashed into my car. I opened the door for that one, it was obvious from the sirens that there was something going on.

  23. I don’t answer my door at any time of day, unless I’ve ordered something. An unopened door is a happy door.

  24. Look out of the window. Although a few weeks ago, I was coming home from work at 130/2 am and my next door neighbor had left their garage, porch and front door open. I knocked, rang the bell and gave a shout to no answer so I closed it all up. Next day I told them and they said they heard me but didnā€™t want to come down so I understand that

  25. I would never ever answer the door at night. I have answered it twice recently during the day to some kids asking ā€œis this your cat?ā€ whilst my cat strolls into the house. He likes to wail at the window as if heā€™s been out for days so people take pity on him despite the fact Iā€™ve only let him out (which he wants, he sits at the front door) literally 5 minutes beforeā€¦

  26. I wouldnā€™t but my other half probably would. I have bad anxiety and even when Iā€™m expecting someone to come over, knocking on the door or ringing the bell makes me anxious

  27. You don’t have to answer the door if you don’t want to.. at any time of the day or night!!
    Sat and watched a guy in a charity tabard knocking at my door once… made eye contact and everything.. never even got out of my chair. Fuck em.

  28. Iā€™m the same. I have covered over my frosted glass so now I canā€™t see whoā€™s at the door either. Iā€™m either gonna get a ring doorbell or a new door with a peephole. I donā€™t even like the fact I have a letter box on there.

    But this is probably because I am used to living in a flat, with a video screening entry system, which I felt very secure with.

  29. Unless it is food or a parcel I don’t answer it, doorcams have saved my ass from moving at anytime

  30. >do you answer the front door late at night?

    That why I have security cameras – blast them with light and ask them “who is it and what do you?”


    All without getting out of bed.

  31. If I wasn’t expecting them, I’d potentially answer with the chain on.

    However I’m a decently built bloke, if it were my girlfriend home alone I’d be telling her to go nowhere near the door & phone someone.

    That being said we have cameras and a video doorbell, so I’d be checking both of those before we did anything.

  32. If I’m awake I’d answer it as in enquiring who it was before opening the door and depending on that answer i might step out rather than let them in. If I’m already in bed/get woken by it I might wait to see if it continues. I’d hate to not help someone in genuine need on the probably low chance they’re trying to kill me.

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