Just wanted to write it all out, so maybe I can see clearer.

I [20F] met this guy [22M] a couple months ago (in college) and I thought he was kinda cute, so I messaged him a funny meme. We chatted a bit but he never made a move so I assumed he wasn’t interested and moved on.

For the next couple months we went on we became distant friends, like we would text once in a while, study together sometimes, etc. It was purely platonic, and I was chill with that.

Dated a couple other people, nothing really worked out. Disappointing but not unexpected.

So now that school ended, me and this friend both ended up moving to the same city for our jobs and we’ve gotten a lot closer. It started with hanging out a bit more often, and, we started talking more about our lives, dating, past relationships, future plans, etc. It then evolved into face-timing at night almost every day, hanging out even more often, being more touchy, and even acting date-y (like he would pay for me and hold my stuff)

I thought for sure he liked me, but then I held his hand (obvious signal), and he jerked away as soon as possible, and now he’s taking longer to respond to my texts, and we haven’t facetimed in a while, so that kinda sucks. I really don’t know what his motives were but guess it wasn’t liking me. Maybe I’m looking too much into this, and I should just be more forward, but I have my doubts.

1 comment
  1. You’re not looking too much into it. That man obviously doesn’t want you but it’s okay there’s plenty of men to go around 😄 if it were me I’d go on a rant in his messages then block him. But you do you boo 🙂

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