I’ve been out of the dating scene for a while now and honestly at this point I’m not exactly sure how to approach women in those scenarios without being a nuisance. I’m pretty sure them wearing headphones and all of that is a pretty big sign of not wanting to talk but even so, I would like some general advice from you guys, thanks

  1. Those are places where people are trying to get from A to B and can’t easily get away from you. Not appropriate to look for dates there.

  2. What I’ve OBSERVED in these situations, you have to have a idgaf attitude, you have to approach them as if they’re entitled to acknowledge you.

  3. Please don’t do this. Women generally do not wander around hoping to be swept off their feet by a stranger who is seeing them for the first time. You will likely creep them out or at the very least make them uncomfortable.

  4. become a researcher scientist and then you might have legal protection from doing sex-offender things /s

  5. Usually I would agree with other comments that it is creepy to approach random women on public transport. But I met my husband by going up to him when the trains were delayed and started up a conversation. He said he wanted to talk to me too but he was too shy and he didn’t want to come off as a creep. I say talk to girls on public transport. But if they make it clear they are not into you then back off. And don’t try to hard. For example: once saw a post where a man brought a random woman he saw on the train station food and then got offended that she didn’t give him her number.

    Offer your number so that she can call you but don’t demand her number. Ask if you can add her or message her on Facebook/messenger/ instagram. If she says no. To any of these things then don’t push it.

  6. I think you can, but super respectfully.

    If you lock eyes with a woman then smile and if she smiles back you can walk over. If she seems distant or uncomfortable just say sorry and walk off.

    I wouldn’t try to get in someone’s space though or try to be noticed. If she doesn’t see you, just let it go.

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