Basically the title says everything. He gave me $300 at casino and $100 dinner and gas whatever. He invited me. I wasnt begging for money or asked for anything, I thought he just wanted to be nice and go have a good time. My stomach hurt after we ate dinner and drove home so I didnt have sex with him. Its one week later and we have a little arguement about something completely different and he brings up that “im ungrateful” and “we went on a beach trip where he paid for everything and he didnt even get sex after”. I asked him oh sorry i didnt know i owe you sex just because you paid for a little trip. He said “it wouldve been nice to have sex after” and “yeah thats why we are in a relationship to have sex, i expect sex everyday from my women”. I thought we have sex when we both want to? It feel like hes just doing nice things so that he can havesex with me? This made me really upset. Also we have sex very often almost whenever we see each other.(we dont live together). Is he weird for saying this or is it valid? Advice? Thanks

  1. >he brings up that “im ungrateful” and “we went on a beach trip where he paid for everything and he didnt even get sex after”. I asked him oh sorry i didnt know i owe you sex just because you paid for a little trip. He said “it wouldve been nice to have sex after” and “yeah thats why we are in a relationship to have sex, i expect sex everyday from my women”.

    He’s very entitled.

    But I also have to ask, how often do you two have sex?

  2. That’s weird asf dude i’d yeet if you can. You’re not a person you’re just another tool to him. Idk bad vibes from anyone that “expects” sex from a partner for any reason

  3. Tell him that women are not machines where you put money and sex appears.This is a nice guy logic (i don’t use that phrase very often,but here is an obvious example)

  4. Oh goodness. You don’t owe him sex… not sure why he’s talking to you like that.
    And the “I expect sex everyday from my woman”?!

    What in the world…. He sounds unhinged sorry. Sex should be because you are both enthusiastically in the mood… not out of forced duty. Why are you with this guy please? Is he actually a good, non-selfish boyfriend? Because he’s sounding the opposite rn

  5. Is he under the impression you are a sex worker and not his GF?

    >“yeah thats why we are in a relationship to have sex, i expect sex everyday from my women”.

    Why are you dating this loathsome piece of trash?

    >Is he weird for saying this or is it valid? Advice?

    It’s not weird, it’s gross and heading to predatory. You don’t owe him your body ever.

    My advice is to run, not walk, from this jerk.

  6. Dump him. He’s not a nice person to you. He basically threw a temper tantrum like a 3 year when he didn’t get what he wants from you. Yes, I would definitely like to have sex with my girl after a nice date but if she isn’t in the mood, I just go “oh well…moving on…”. Yes, sex is nice but you’re not a robot. You’re a human being.

  7. it sounds very transactional; sex is something you both want because of mutual affection not because he paid for a trip, time to reevaluate the relationship.

  8. honey, unless you’re a sex worker who is setting the terms of the transaction there is zero *normal* expectation of sex.

    especially none that warrants bullying.

    it isn’t a *feeling* that you’re having of his actions being done explicitly to fuck you, he explicitly says as much.

  9. Sounds like he’s treating you like a sugar baby or a wh*re instead of a girlfriend he truly loves and respects. He’s thinking of it as an exchange – he pays so you have to sleep with him, rather than doing something nice out of love…. What kind of bf does that?

  10. He’s treating you as if you’re his personal sex worker. Tell him if that’s the case, then he needs to start paying you a LOT more. Or you could leave him, since he doesn’t understand what a relationship is.

  11. Glad to have seen in the comments that he is now your EX boyfriend.

    Frankly, he has been working so hard to get this title it would have been unfair not do give it to him.

    If he’s worried about spending too much money on a date, let him know that a manicure is max £20. He can go get one and then his hands can be his new gf, that way he can both be a cheapskate and get off as much as he wants to.

  12. He needs to understand that it doesn’t matter if you have a FWB, girlfriend or WIFE! You don’t get sex every day. You don’t get sex when you want. You get sex when both people agree to it. He should only go on a vacation with you because he wants to. I think you should leave him. You don’t owe him shit

  13. Sex is not a payment method. If he finds sex transactional, he‘d be better off with a prostitute than a girlfriend.

  14. OP sorry to say most boys have this thinking. Over time some will grow up and see that everything does not need to end in sex. Sex is not the only way a couple can show they love each other. For your trip I would have been more concerned about you not feeling well. But I’m older and don’t let me bottom head do all my thinking

  15. That is so unattractive and frankly just messed up. I would be seriously reconsidering this guy, he feels like you are an object he can barter for

  16. LEAVE. There’s an entire segment of men who believe women owe them sex whenever they do something for them. Please. Could you imagine if we treated men this way??😂😂😂

  17. This man thinks sex is a transaction… I’d 100% leave his butt. You can find someone better who will treat you like a human being and not like a living sex doll😉

  18. When you are spending time with this man, you are not spending time with someone that you can have a great potential future. This man is a waste of your precious time.

  19. Devils advocate here …

    I’ve been in plenty of relationships and have known many friends who had a GF/wife would always use the headache/upset stomach/PMS excuse, when half of the time they were lying.

    I could see how your BF might want to be intimate after having a fun day together. It should be a moment you want to share together, and maybe your sex drives just don’t match up.

    But once he said he “expects” sex, I lost him there.

  20. Everything you said was on point. You don’t owe him anything just as he does not owe you to take you to a nice restraunt. People do it because they want to and they love each other. If anything it would turn me off even more if he said all those things.

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