I’m 21 and I’m talking to a 23 year old and we met today and I had an odd feeling. As we talked and got to know eachother more i realized something that has happened before in other relationships before as well. We are only a couple years apart and it feels like he’s so much further ahead of me in life and I feel like I couldn’t keep up. It sucks because I think he’s wonderful and i want to pursue something but I just don’t feel I can keep up, looks wise or life wise I’m not sure if that makes any sense but it just sucks feeling like I just can’t keep up with anyone

1 comment
  1. I think you’re overthinking it, and it’s working against you.

    Be you, express yourself, communicate clearly and honestly, love deeply, grow as you can, mourn losses when they happen, then get up and move on.

    If you sit there worrying about being good enough, trying to present yourself as more than you are, or whatever, you end up with partners that may be disappointed in the real you.

    By being yourself, and expressing that, you have a better chance of finding someone who loves you for you. That person may be better looking, or smarter, or whatever. So what? If they love you, and you love them, and you’re mostly compatible, great!

    Don’t let your insecurities drive your actions or your views of yourself.

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