Six months ago I got out of a five year relationship (he cheated)… I was not looking for someone. I met this one dude about two months ago (in passing, mutual friend), and then about 10 days ago I *actually* met him and our whole friend group went out. Him and I talked a lot. From social media I’ve gathered that he got out of a long-term relationship recently too.

He’s now stayed over four nights, nothing has happened other than a little spooning. I’m just going with it, we’re being human you know?

Any thoughts? Advice? I don’t really know how this works since I’m not used to “dating,” but we really aren’t, we’re just doing our thing. Nobody knows about this, we’ve just kept to ourselves about it. I’m sure if someone dug around on Snapchat map they’d put two and two together but that’s it.

  1. I don’t know what advice to give you but I’m curious, have you guys kissed at all, are you touchy feely or just hanging out in a friend kind of way and then just cuddling? Also 4 nights in a row or 4 nights in the past 10 days.

  2. when you’re spooning, put his hand on your breast or in between your legs. it looks like you’re the one that will have to take it to the next step, since he’s not making that move.

    also, spooning or cuddling can be done without the need to lead to sex, especially if the two of you are just doing “your thing” without actually going sexual. maybe he just needs human contact as well. so while you’re making a move, but pay attention to how he responds to it as well.

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