When i watch gay porn i feel aroused by tightness? With lesbian porn i feel aroused and loose?

I’m a 19 F, I’m a virgin… though I’m not sure if this has to do with me being a virgin it might idk. I’m worried this will have an impacted with my future relationships with a guy. That I won’t feel enough arousal for him, be aroused by his body (since shirtless men don’t do anything and when men act sexy too)

i find myself feeling this way idk why… does this mean I’m more aroused or something? The tightness feels like a bubble blowing up and pressure.

When i watch gay porn my arousal always varies ngl sometimes i feel little to medium of this type of arousal, the tightness.

With lesbian porn I’m pretty much always in the mood, i feel loose and wetter? But i also feel wett when i watch gay porn and stuff like that.

I find myself getting aroused when women act sexual, but i just feel the tightness, I’m not loose like for lesbian porn.

with men however im not aroused by them easily. I’m not like that at all, only if i imagine myself doing stuff with a man, seeing sexual things happening with a man or on a man, i feel arousal but not this looseness like with lesbian porn again but tightness and pressure.

  1. Forget about the porn for a minute. Forget about analyzing the type of arousal or the amount of arousal. Being aroused by sex acts is not the same as sexual attraction to a specific gender. Plenty of straight women enjoy female-on-female porn because it tends to focus on the pleasure of the woman, rather than the man. Plenty of straight women enjoy male-on-male porn because they like the submissive dynamic. Being aroused by those things doesn’t determine who you are sexually attracted to.

    Sexual orientation is about who in person you find attractive. Whether you yourself want to engage in sexual activity with a man or a woman. Whether you yourself want to experience the situations that you’re watching online.

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