I’m 17 and In highschool, there’s been this girl that I’ve noticed stares at me a lot throughout the day, she’s really pretty and for once I actually wanna go up to her and just compliment her and ask for her number/social media but I’m jus kinda nervous about it, kinda stepping outside of my comfort zone but I know without risk there is no reward and I’m and senior in highschool ;it’s now or never” .

  1. Don’t do it cold, start a conversation somehow (assuming you’re in some of the same classes so that would be a good start) and take it from there. You don’t have to ask her the first time you talk either, starting to talk is the first step.

  2. Start a conversation. If you just give her your number, she won’t text you. When you feel at the end of the conversation, say “I gotta get going, but I had a good time talking with you, what’s your number, so we can talk more?”

    It’s really important you ask for HER number because she, like you, will more than likely be nervous to start a conversation. If you have her number first, there won’t be a chance of “oh I like him, but I don’t know how to start off a conversation!”

    Once you have her number, you could try continuing the conversation on there of you could just go a completely different route.

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