Friends name: Brandon, Joseph

At lunch i always wanted to talk to them but was too nervous cuz maybe they didn’t want me to bother there convo. few weeks ago Brandon asked me if i presented some book in class and i told him “no” since i didn’t. He confused me for someone else. anyways

Today Joseph and Brandon are talking to each other but in french. They always talked in french. They can talk english too. Brandon was doing something funny and idk what he was saying lol but Joseph looked at me and laughed and said “He is werid” while pointing at brandon.

I kinda didn’t know what to say lmfao but i asked what language they were speaking, i said it kinda weridly & messed up my sentence for a sec but i repeated my question. They said they spoke french. I kinda wanted to continue talking to them so i tried thibking of other things to say. I asked them if they were a freshmen and if they liked the school.

I asked also if they came from france. Brandon told me joseph moved from france to here a few months ago Now idk if it’s just me but when i asked jospeh these questions it looks like he is giving me the “what???” expression and i couldn’t tell if he was annoyed and bothered It look like he was squinting his eyes but i couldn’t tell if that was just the way his eyes look so idk if he was actually bothered.

I asked them if they have a old math teacher that i used to have but Joseph was confused and Brandon didn’t know what i was talking about eitjer idkif they thought i was saying a word or a name since they speak mainly french but they speak english too mainly brandon. I kinda felt like i bothered them lol but i also gotta remember english isn’t there first language, they probably thought my math teachers name was a word or soemthing. Also brandon was mainly the one who helped joseph out with responding to my questions

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