What is the best response for “you are ugly”?

  1. Beauty is different for people, some may consider me ugly and some may consider me beautiful. But yes I know

  2. Why would I bother to respond to that? If I felt the need to say something, then I guess something like, “I don’t recall asking your opinion on my appearance” or “Why would you think that is relevant to me? It’s not like I find you attractive either, but it never occurred to me that I needed to randomly announce it.”

    People who call other people ugly are just assholes. It has no value and just shows what type of person they are.

  3. Well, I *am* ugly, so I just say “yep, I know” and end the conversation. If they think my appearance affects my value as an individual and as a human, I can’t make them change their mind, nor am I going to waste energy and time on trying.

  4. I’ll give them my contact lenses/glasses because they clearly need it more than I do.

  5. Okay.

    The best response is one that shows no emotion, because it’s meant to get a reaction.

  6. This worked for me everytime, any attempt at insults!

    Me: “your therapist must have a big house”

    Them : “i’m not in therapy”

    Me: “oh… Oh, dear…” (calmly walk away)

  7. Your so right, I’m not the best looking I’ll admit that but I’m thankful I mean I am only ugly on the outside, you well it must really suck to be you lovely, I’m not sure what I’d do if I was ugly on the outside and inside too…keep your chin up though yeah…I’m sure you’ll figure it out.

  8. “I guess that makes two of us.” *shrug*.

    I don’t care if they think I’m ugly as long as my husband still thinks I’m hot.

  9. “Did I fucking ask you?”

    Repeat until they leave or admit that you, in fact, did not fucking ask them.

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