Hello everyone 👋 I am a first-year university student and tomorrow I’ll be completing my second week of attending uni. I have one problem tho, I haven’t been able to make any friends. I am originally from a small town and moved to this by town to attend university and I know no one here.
It’s already been 3 weeks and most people have already created friendgroups, and I feel like if I don’t do something I’ll have no friends in uni. Everytime I think about talking to someone tho I start panicking and thinking I’ll say the wrong thing and they’ll think I am weird. I also feel bad approaching 2 people that are clearly friends and talking cause I don’t wanna be this random annoying person that prevents you from talking with your bestie about stuff. I am sorry if this seems like a stupid question to ask but, how should I approach people I want to befriend in the university without seeming weird??

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