Hi everyone, I need some serious advices here. To put you in context in a few words, I (26M) migrated to Spain almost 11 years ago.
Since I’m younger than now I’ve always been a guy who always tries to blend into the local people, always trying to make new friends. Now I look back, I think actually I’ve got no one.

I’m feeling very frustrated right now as I’m writing this post. I run an online editorial/opinion site and this weekend there’s an art fair in my city so I have invited someone to come with me, but that someone I just got told me that in the end he’s not gonna go with me cuz he’s gonna go see a friend who’s mentally I’ll. And yea I’ve already got him tickets.

I feel like I can say maybe there’s a few people I can call them friends, but like, if I don’t message them first they will never contact me. It’s always me who calls people out to chill or coffee.

I also got no luck with girls. I realized that a few years earlier. So I started to try a few apps. As you can imagine, no luck. There were a couple of times some girls would message me to go out, so in my mind, go to somewhere “neutral” for the first time should be cool. So we always go to museums galleries or some other events. But then maybe two three times later I’ll receive no more contacts from them.

I’m not like weird or something. But I could be intense, for example I like to explain things in contemporary art/photography to people. Sometimes I never shut up about it. (Ok maybe it’s weird but I don’t think so??)

I think the “consequences” I’m getting right now maybe it’s because of my job too, I work two jobs at the same time, in the morning I work in social media marketing and in the afternoon-night I work for a US company as a photography curator/educator, also teach some clases too. So from Monday to Friday I’m absolutely dead. The only time I’ve got is the weekend.

I don’t know. I need some serious help/advices/opinions here. If you have questions please shoot and I’ll answer it in order for me to get a more accurate answer.

Thank you very much in advance..

1 comment
  1. One thing I usually do when I feel the intense urge to explain something I am really interested in I ask the person I’m talking with if that person wants to hear me ramble about that thing (Cryptography in my case). You don’t want to suddenly make them feel like they are prissoners of your talk (which it might not be). When I do that I also try to make it sound as interesting as possible for the common ear and keep things as consise as possible. This is because people sometimes feel rude for asking a person to stop talking about something that doesn’t interest them. So just in case, I try to keep it consise, so that if a person does not take interest in what I have to say, I don’t bore them for too long. On the other hand, don’t think that the things that interest you is not interesting to the other person. You notice that people take interest in what you say when they follow up the things you say with other questions.

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