Many schools in the USA are now cancelling Halloween as its not inclusive to people of certain religious and cultural backgrounds. What do you think about this?
Personally, I feel this is absurd.

ABC News link :

  1. I hate it. We are open as a culture to many religious and cultural minorities, but the reality of being a minority is not fitting in perfectly and being an outsider to some things. It is a common if not typical US experience growing up here. Even the WASPiest of conventional WASPs is still limited to their own cultural experience plus what they choose to borrow from other cultures and will be an outsider in many circumstances. Schools should provide experiences to learn to be both insider and outsider, successful and unsuccessful, and teach resilience and a thick skin.

  2. 2 schools not doing something for Halloween during school hours isn’t really some cultural crisis. No one canceled Halloween.

  3. A couple extra PC schools ruining the fun during school hours isn’t a trend.

    Halloween hasn’t yet been canceled.

    Just make sure to get to church and pray in the graveyards the next morning.

  4. And we’re still going to have it outside of school so it doesn’t really matter what a couple of schools do.

  5. It seems silly. If someone doesn’t want to participate that is fine, but why take away something that many more enjoy?

  6. I thought it was an Onion piece until the bit about ABC News at the end.

    It’s a shame ABC News is going the fake news route for attention now, too.

    BTW, OP, not doing celebrations in school is not “cancelling Halloween.”

  7. I definitely don’t give even a tiny bit of a shit about this.

    We’ve got issues with schools banning books, sex education, the teaching of basic history and science, and a host of other crap that actually affects our children and society.

    Whether or not they have the kids wear silly outfits one day out of the year or not is definitely not even on my radar for things that schools are doing that we should be worried about right now. It’s inconsequential and I have a hard time understanding how anyone could care enough about something so trite that they’d do anything other than read the email about it from the school and think “oh, okay, one less thing to worry about regarding getting my kid to school on time this month.”

  8. Everything about that report was ridiculous but not for the reasons in your post.

    The first district canceled because of “safety” which almost trivializes previous school shootings and real safety issues

    But what really is ridiculous to me is that the story only cites that one district and one other school (not even an entire district). I’m sure those aren’t the only cases, but there was nothing in the report to prove that “many” or “more” schools are banning this. It seemed sensationalist.

    And to top it all off, it ends with a mention of fentanyl candy. Give me a break.

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