How do you deal with a partner who parties too much?

  1. Depends on what constitutes as “too much”. If they’re choosing to go out rather than spend time together on a regular basis, I’d just break up

  2. Depends on the context.

    Discuss it and set boundaries for what I’m willing to deal with in a relationship. If they want to party that much, and I’m not willing to be with someone with that habit, then we aren’t compatible.

  3. If you can’t fight em, join em? I don’t mind a good party.

    If he can’t support himself cause issues and partying is a serious crutch…different story

  4. Assuming this is too much on my terms, which would be extremely excessive, then I’d just break up with them.

  5. Get super pissed, probably get into a big fight about it

    I’m home with our toddlers all day, parenting is a two person job

    Thankfully I don’t deal with this

  6. It’s not ok to control someone to turn them into someone different so they suit you. Accept you’re not compatible and end the relationship

  7. In the context of this question, what does “parties too much” mean? Disappears for 48 hours on a crack binge and you’re left alone caring for your toddler (BTDT)? Or gets high and plays video games every afternoon at the age of 18? Cause those are very different scenarios that require very different responses.

  8. I like to party so I would join them or if I’m not feeling up to it then I would have quiet evening at home, let them have fun, but expect them to go home by the morning.

    If it’s not about having fun anymore and it’s actually an addiction then I would gently confront them about it, offer my support and just have an adult conversation about it. If they’re not capable of that then it’s not good match for me anyways and I would leave.

  9. Too much by my standards would basically be risking your life on the regular, so I would probably want them to go to rehab or something

  10. If it genuinely bothers me I have a discussion with them about it. If we’ve already talked about it and they still party more than I’m comfortable with or if it’s causing other problems, we break up or just become more casual like a FWB situation.

  11. we broke up and are super happy as casual friends. it definitely doesn’t work if we’re too different in that regard.

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