Hello reddit girls! Im interested in knowing how ex’s of yours may have tried to maybe get you back or if they stayed super hooked on you and tried to contact you and how long did they wait to do so. What do you think prompted this behavior? especially if they were the ones to break it off in the first place.

  1. They’ve never been welcomed back into my life regardless of what they tried. I prefer to go no contact and stay that way.

  2. “Poking” me on facebook. It made me feel gross and I had to acknowledge the notification each time. I would be paranoid for days afterward. It had been at least 6 years since our relationship but he hated that I refused to say anything to and then blocked him when he tracked me down on a mutual friend’s page.

    Exes should just accept that they are exes and gtfo unless there is a mutual agreement to stay friends.

  3. I’ve had exes trying to follow me on IG. I immediately blocked them. I cannot believe they thought it was a good idea.

  4. Before cell phones and the internet,
    they drove by my work.
    Now they use different Facebook accounts, send friends on the behalf or call from burn phones because they are blocked.

  5. One posted a bunch of nude and lewd photos of me and one of our sex tapes about a year after we broke up. I had to involve my dad and our family lawyer to threaten legal action. Guy was a weirdo.

    Why did he do it? Because he’s a weirdo, and I think he just wanted to make me look bad.

  6. She hit me up on Instagram to meet up. We did and she gave me an explanation and apology which I didn’t realize I needed. Then she told me she missed me and wanted me back. I declined. I was already in a new and healthy relationship and wasn’t about to go back.

  7. I always block their number and email when it ends so they have to be quite innovative in their approach. I’ve had men create fake Facebook profiles in names similar to my friend’s so that I think nothing of it and accept their request. Same goes for LinkedIn accounts. I’ve had one man just turn up at my house with flowers and chocolates, expecting me to welcome him back with open arms. Another man waited for me in my work’s reception.

  8. Only one but we were together for 6 years and lived together. After the first few years apart it was just like maybe once a year. I was okay with that. I’m pretty sure he thought because I was still single often I was like, waiting for him or something? I have complicated feelings because he passed away earlier this year. He knew me better than most people but he also treated me terribly. He did apologize a few years ago.

  9. I’ve gotten apology emails twice now. Always makes me laugh that they know they did wrong and are probably blocked on my phone.

    One was two years after and the other was one year after. I think loneliness prompted both reach outs. I don’t think either were spurred by transformational character growth unfortunately.

  10. I have one that periodically checks in to see if I am available for sex. It has worked out ok over the years since we have been each others FWB when we are both single, but it has gotten to the point where I noticed he seems to only reach out these days because no one else wants to deal with him. I think he’s just lonely.

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